Archive for the ‘Movies’ Category

Discount Bin Reviews: Jennifer’s Body (DVD)

As it turns out with a great number of my reviews, I end up reviewing movies, games, etc that I have personally picked out, purchased or rented. And as a habit I usually choose to spend my money on things I’m fairly certain I will like. Sort of like when I choose food from a […]

New Battlefield 3 Trailer Looks Impressive.

Its friday and the weekend is upon us, so why not take a moment and check out the latest trailer for Battlefield 3? I have to admit the game looks gorgeous, even if thats probably high end PC footage we are looking at.  The trailer teases some of DICE’s famous destructible environments ,which really set […]

Mortal Kombat Legacy: Ep. 1 Debuts !

MOOOOORRRTAL KOMBAT !  Yeah, I know its been a while since that first MK movie came out, and yeah I also know it kind of sucked. But for some reason I like the darn thing, even with all the cheese it delivered. With the new  and rebooted Mortal Kombat game only days away there is […]

New Green Lantern Wonder-Con footage looks hot!

Check out some of the latest wonder-con footage for the upcoming DC Universe movie, Green lantern. Althought not one of my favorite superheros personally, the footage you are about to watch has me definatly convinced to go check out the film when it releases in theaters.  So, for all the big Green Lantern fans out […]

DVD Review: Eyes Of The Mothman

I have a confession to make.  I have a slight interest in the Paranormal.  I know, I know, it’s probably a HUGE shock to you, my faithful followers, but I do love the Paranormal.  I own every single DVD set released by Unsolved Mysteries.  I own the entire series of “A Haunting,” including its two […]