PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Robot Rampage

Have you ever had a dream about turning into a giant robot? One who’s only purpose is to destroy buildings, blast tanks with lasers, squash  ground troops and take out tanks? You have? Wow. Because I was kidding and your kind of deranged, really. But that’s OK, because you can now live out those strange dreams in my FREE iPhone pick for the day, Robot Rampage! It is a decent little title that lets you , well, destroy everything you come across from buildings to helicopters to ground troops to missiles. To be honest the game is a bit over simple and something you may not play on a regular basis every day, but it does have its fun moments for quick bursts of gaming fun. I like taking out buildings with my eye lasers or stomping on a few tanks, its strangely funny and satisfying at the same time. There are several modes in the game you can play around with and if your really into things, there is the option to buy more Robots like a King Kong and Godzilla robot. There are also new areas to destroy when you buy those robots. For me, the free version is all I need to satisfy my short burst needs. Check out some screens below and I will see you onthe next episode of PatMan picks: Free iPhone games!

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