Steamed! – Ys Origin

Ys Origin

Current selling price: $19.99

I’m a sucker for pretty much anything with Ys tacked onto it. Ys Origin is a prequel of sorts to the original Book of Ys. It’s pretty fun, has the new Ys engine going for it, and has a lot of really interesting concepts, but is highly repetitive. See, the idea is this is the original Tower of Darm or whatever from the original Ys and as a result it’s built to be an ever-escalating labyrinth.

Now sure, they throw in a lot of great story, puzzle, and platforming elements surrounding a tough difficulty, as is present in every Ys game since the dawn of time, but the point is there’s a lot of backtracking, necessary grinding, and a lot of the areas look the same. Sure, as you proceed up the tower, they try to lighten it up by having different themes for the levels, but…it still feels highly repetitive.

Maybe this is just a minor point that I’m blowing out of proportion. I mean games like Diablo and Torchlight do this again and again and again and I don’t seem to mind those…so maybe it’s just that I expected there to be more because this is Ys we’re talking about. More than likely that’s it. In any case, if you’re a fan of the series and/or you enjoy a good action/RPG/hack n slash romp, this is right up your alley. Screenshots follow.

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