Steamed! – Depths of Peril

Depths of Peril

Current selling price: $14.99

So imagine if the original Diablo was both competitive and timed. That’s Depths of Peril. Granted, saying that alone doesn’t do it justice, but that’s what it is per face value. You represent a leader of a barbarian clan and, throughout the course of a single game, will recruit new members, fulfill quests, defeat or ally with other barbarian clans, establish trade routes, explore, and far more until the game is “won,” which occurs when all remaining clans are established allies or when only one clan remains.

If there were any three things I would complain about in the game it would be things not being explained very well, awkward graphics and animation, and it can be a little too fast-paced at times. See, establishing trade routes and alliances SHOULD be simple, but often the different values of trading are unclear and the computer will often reject anything you throw at it until the computer itself actually makes an offer to you.

The graphics are a minor complaint really, but it does look awkward as fuck at times. As far as the overall game speed, well, keep in mind that you’re basically playing Diablo, but also managing an RTS with various sim elements at play. There’s so much to keep track of all at once that it’s often overbearing. All the same, it’s still a very fun and cheap title that’s well worth checking out. Pictures follow.

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