Dragon Age Hippie Lights

Hump day has returned as it does every week. Be sure to go out and hump someone before the day is over. Makes sure it is consensual humping, I don’t need to get blamed for causing a bunch of rapes. I am sure Wednesday got it’s nick name for other reasons, but the idea of a scheduled day for humping is amusing to me. Okay everyone in the world you are allowed to hump on Wednesday and Wednesday only. Wanking is acceptable the other six days. Mutual wanking is frowned upon, but not illegal. Now to try and make the transition from that brilliant opener.

I know, I will hop straight into video games. That is about as far away from humping as you can get. I played the Dragon Age 2 demo yesterday. Our very own Jonkind is right you can’t fairly judge a 60-80 hour RPG on a demo. That said I feel really comfortable with judging the game based on my experiences with the first and my time with the demo for the second. Based off that I will be relegating Dragon Age 2 to a bargain bin purchase. The first one was a flaming turd, it felt like Baldurs Gate 3: The shit we had left over. In fact I was really disappointed as I generally trust Bioware when it comes to RPG’s. Their track record is rather splendid in that genre. Between the demo and what I am reading in reviews it appear Bioware tired to make the second installment in the franchise a bastard child of the original and Mass Effect. Interesting, but still not worth sixty dollars to me. As always when I do finally play it, I will report right here if I was wrong. Nothing like eating virtual crow.

Yesterday I installed a new ceiling fan in my office. Okay so I had someone with better electrician skills do most of it. It was purchased mostly for the remote feature. That and my old one was starting to fall apart. The problem is now I am stuck with fucking hippie light bulbs. It is like a fucking cave in my office now. Which makes me laugh every time I have to deal with this kind of crap. So a regular old sixty watt incandescent bulb is evil and bad for the environment. So you replace it with a fifty watt earth friendly bulb or light. Which in turn doesn’t produce enough light to make reading comfortable. So your forced to do one of two things. Get a second light with a fifty watt bulb or replace the original bulb with an earth loving 70 watt bulb. All in the name of conservation. Does anyone besides me see the problem here? Your actually using more energy with the earth friendly bulbs than you are with the old earth evil lights. Just so you can get an acceptable amount of lighting. I am not talking enough light to film porn or get a sun tan. No, I mean enough so you don’t strain your bloody eyes. Never made any sense to me, but hey it’s all in the name of conservation so its good right?

This is one of humanities biggest problems. They become aware of a problem that if left unchecked could produce dire consequences. Instead of taking the time to thoroughly work through a problem, we humans overreact and panic. So we end up creating solutions that appear to be correct, but are actually just as bad or worse. Once the solution is in place, no one dares argue it is wrong for fear of being ridiculed. Especially when it comes to the environment and conservation. You will never see a study done to determine if a 100 watts (two fifty watt bulbs) of earth friendly light actually conserve energy over an old school 60 watt bulb. People would rather feel they have done something good and be done with it. Look I am all for being environmentally responsible and conversationally minded. I just think there are a number of areas were we went with a solution cooked up under duress. Light bulbs happens to be one of those issues. I have yet to see research or studies that indicate that we are conserving tons of electricity using the things. In fact most of my friends and family are using more lights now than they were when 60 watt incandescents were the norm. Again taking care of the world we live in is a good thing. Getting stampeded into doing things that may do more harm than good is not. A little thought goes a long way folks.


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