Proximity Twitter

Hello there twitter, I am writing this specifically for the blurb that goes out with our RSS feed. As I have stated in the past I hate writing introductions for these posts. I don’t want to jump right into whats on my mind. I still have to make sure the intro makes some sense for our twitter followers via RSS. Maybe I should just start writing clown penis over and over each morning. That or do a customer service like written bit, that I use every time. Internet introductions 101 with professor McGee is now over, on to the meat of the post.

Pulitzer prize winning columnist David Broder passed away yesterday at the age of 81. He was a man I admired, mostly because he kept his political writing without agenda or favoring one side to much. To me he was the last real political news reporter. That is all the man did was report what was going on in politics in America. He didn’t try and spin it with a right or left friendly message like our buddies at Fox News or The Huffington Post do. He was a true journalist, attempting to get the facts and report them to the people without alteration. I mention his passing as I suspect we will never see another like him in our lifetimes. Young Journalism students should study his methods and how he conducted himself carefully. I know he was the only reason I ever tuned in to meet the press. As someone who has a giant dislike for most forms of mainstream media I always enjoyed reading and watching Mr. Broder. I didn’t always agree with the man, but I could respect his point of view as it was always well thought out and articulate.

If I am here working in my office, I always have twitter live and running. Using Tweetdeck I can keep an eye on whats being said and occasionally get the jump on the latest gaming news. Lately I have noticed more people getting rather snobbish and cocky about certain events that take place on the service. The one that gripes my ass the most is getting annoyed at people for asking for favors. What I mean by that is a person with few followers asking a person with a lot of follower for a retweet. Most of the time it is to pass along a link to their blog, podcast or comic. Now some people are starting to get uppity when people ask for a little rub to use a wrestling term. What makes me laugh is most of the gits doing the complaining have had help from others in the past. Sure it may not of been through twitter, but at some point most of us have been given help by people more prominent. So to condemn people asking for help in my mind makes you kind of hypocrite. There is a line however that the person asking for help should be mindful of. Genuinely asking for help can turn in to begging and begging is not something I condone.

Played Halo last night with Pat and Audiomaster G. As nights in Halo go it wasn’t bad. Although that doesn’t mean it was great either. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never enjoy Halo as much as fans of the series do. For me it’s sole purpose is as method of enjoying game time with my buddies. I doubt very much I will buy the next installment, unless conditions are optimal. Bungie has done one thing with the Halo series that pisses me off and that is the reason for this paragraph. They have this feature called proximity voice. Which means if your close enough to another player you can hear them no matter what. I find this to be utter and complete bullshit. It does not matter if your in a party or have all of Xbox live muted, you can still hear these clowns. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. If I wanted to hear how bad I sucked from blownnut4520 I would be in the game chat. I have used the proximity voice one time and that was to scream at assholes playing slayer while we are trying to play king of the hill. All that really did was make me feel better. Game developers hear my plea. Stop using Proximity voice in FPS games. It serves no useful purpose what so ever.


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