Gears Love In

I have zero time for writing this morning. I am on my way to the next town over to research the breeding process of mini mutant turtles. No word on whether they are also ninjas. I will be packing pizzas just in case. While I do that you guys can watch the guys behind Gears of War 3 talk about the game. They seem to think its the best one yet. Hi Cliffy!!!

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2 Responses to “Gears Love In”

  1. Jonkind says:

    I've always been a fan of the Gears games – never played much multiplayer besides some Horde but I always liked the big budget movie feel of the single player campaigns of both games, as silly as they are.

  2. PatMan says:

    Yeah the single player mode is really the attraction for GOW. Although I have played most of the game in co-op mode. I Finished GOW2 with a co worker of mine and finished the original GOW with both Jim and later with Gunsage. So co-op camping is also cool.

    I think Horde mode was great fun in GOW2 and hope for big things in GOW3, we all need to get a team wonderpod Horde mode game up when the game is out! That would be some fun!