DC reboots entire universe-Pintnoir rants

Being a lifer in the field of comics, is similar to any connoisseur of any particular hobby. Whether its video games or even Soap Operas when something familiar is changed it sets about moaning and complaining for all the fans involved.

DC just announced (yesterday) that its rebooting its entire universe in September with Geoff Johns and Jim Lee leading the charge!

When I read this my jaw hit the floor. After all the crisis’s plaguing DC and with Brand New Day having only begun what last year? DC has the gall to make yet another change to its Universe! I had to sit through J. Michael Straczynski (creator of Babylon 5, Jeremiah) take Wonder Woman away from Gail Simone, who’s run on title with Nicola Scott as artist was refreshing, insert some absurd alternate reality arc where Wonder Woman has no memory and the amazons don’t exist? Oh he also messed with Superman, by grounding him. He went all On the Road with Kal-El where he walks, let me repeat walks around changing peoples lives while spouting off right wing rhetoric. And the best part was he never finished either story because he was given a Superman graphic novel, which was nothing more than a reboot of his story in modern times, again something that has been done to death. So thanks. No apology, just a massive reboot where several long standing titles that are in the 700,800, 900’s respectable are now starting over. Action Comics #900 came out a little while ago and is now going to be rebooted! I hope Didio knows what he is doing because for him to launch 52 titles all new starting in September and what sit back waiting to see what sells and doesn’t.

The addition of Digital downloads accompanying the floppy same day release is also a marketing tool to get everyone on board. Now that’s nice and advanced but what about folks who love to read their comics in paperback glossy goodness? Add in that some folks(me) just love reading the floppies. I have never gotten used to reading off a computer screen for long extended periods of time. Which would have to happen because I love to read comics.
One comic this could effect is Batman Inc, Grant Morrison par usually has made Batman interesting again adding in dynamics from his Silver Age days when anything and everything was possible. Dick Grayson as Batman, Damian Wayne (Bruce’s son with Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter, Talia) is Robin and Tim Drake is now Red Robin, bring energy into this once floating series. Add in the fact that Batman has decided that he is going to go around the globe setting up other Batmen. Makes the possibilities expansive to say the least.
More distressing than just a reboot is Jim Lee’s fashion sense. Your talking about the man who decided to give Wonder Woman a collar and pants. She went from looking imposing and sexy to looking meek and subservient. Now he going in and redesigning most if not all of the DC characters?! What a ballsy artist to do such things.
So here’s to DC. Screwing it long term fans who have stuck by all the Crisis’s, Brand New Day, Batman Inc,and etc just to have it rebooted for a better audience.

Does Superman really have a collar? And Wonder Woman is a model who just happens to have super powers? Sigh I really just saw the first sign of the apocalypse

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7 Responses to “DC reboots entire universe-Pintnoir rants”

  1. PatMan says:

    Its a gamble, thats for sure. Im not big into comics anymore,but messing significantly with the likes of Superman, Wonderwoman and Batman just doesn't sound like a great idea to me.

    • pintnoir says:

      It never works. Clone Saga is a prime example of how you don't mess with a character, or after crippling Batman they replace him with Crazy metal Batman. Leave character alone and they should be fine.

  2. _G_ says:

    I know I'm out of the loop on DC when I hear about Superman losing his flying powers. Wow.

    This single change makes me wonder what this reboot might do. I wonder if running an alternate universe as a reboot would not be a better move, and appease both audiences…

    • pintnoir says:

      G the best part was he never lost his powers. He just wanted to be closer to humanity. So what better way to be human then to walk among them?!? Lets just say it was boring and monotonous.

    • PatMan says:

      Thats the way to do it, G. Make this reboot an alternative universe. If its really successful then they can go with it from there and leave the old characters behind to be relaunched at some later date if needed . If its unsuccessful, it was just some other reality comic book universe and they could easily go back to the traditional universe with no problem. Hopefully they will end up doing something like this.

  3. SRD says:

    I'm all for it, minus giving Superman to Grant Morrison. That guy can't find his creative ass with both creative hands.

  4. _G_ says:

    I'd like to hear more about this from you Dreggor Gade. I can see where you are coming from, being a fan of other "universes" and such.