Smurfs Episode 4

The last episode of the original smurf comics. I have one or two more one off’s laying around that may get posted. I am still unsure I can do more of these at this point. I am not really sure anyone wants me to either. Screw it, they make me laugh even today the rest of the Internet can go get bent. *Edit* After reading this again, it is one of the few smurfs that the topic still applies. The Internet never changes.


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3 Responses to “Smurfs Episode 4”

  1. _G_ says:

    Ha ha! Yeah, this one probably will stay relevant for a long, long time! Sleazy Smurf FTW!

    • BruceMcGee says:

      I normally don't even pretend to script these little disasters. This one I did and I was quite pissed off when I wrote said script. I am sure you can all guess which site in particular I had in mind.