Halo CE Anniversary Multiplayer Maps. What’s Old Is Now Shinny & New.

Here are a couple videos featuring classic Halo CE maps, looking all shinny and new using the Halo Reach engine for the upcoming anniversary of the legendary series. To make things a bit more clear, Halo CE Anniversary will be using the Halo Reach Engine only for the multiplayer mode of the game. The engine for the single player mode is a different one made specifically for the remake. Its an interesting engine that ,if you desire, allows you to go” back in time” and play the game using the original graphics engine. Why someone would want to do that more than once or twice when they bought a REMAKE instead of just downloading the original right now for cheaper is beyond me, but hey its a nice touch for the super hardcore Halo fans out there, I suppose. So lets take a look at the movies and see some classic Halo action remade all shinny and new.  I have to admit, Beaver Creek is looking very nice these days!  Check out the levels in action below, after the break


[youtube TsoCJ4RB84c]


[youtube o8feyvEs1i8]

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2 Responses to “Halo CE Anniversary Multiplayer Maps. What’s Old Is Now Shinny & New.”

  1. wiikey says:

    Hello all, here every one is sharing these know-how, thus it