Biff Zongo: Gorgo the Go-Go Dancer

Fredrik: This is one of my weirdest stories ever. “What the hell is this? This is not even an idea!” I said to myself. I thought that Jan would not like it, but it turned out that it was one of his favourite things to draw. That really makes him the weird guy. I mean coming up with this idea is totally normal. You might even say healthy. But liking it… that’s sick.
Jan: But there’s a go-go dancer, liquor, aliens and a disco ball. How could one NOT like it?

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4 Responses to “Biff Zongo: Gorgo the Go-Go Dancer”

  1. patman says:

    I like these comics. Twisted and funny, right up my ally!
    I would totally do that alien, BTW. Just saying.

  2. _G_ says:

    Poor Gorgo is misunderstood… whatever it is. I love the way Gorgo's final comment rhymes as well.

    Patman would do that alien, I've got video proof I'm saving for future blackmail.