The Sign Of The Beast

I am pretty sure at this point the world or at least the authorities are aware of my thoughts. I don’t mean that in a paranoid mind control sense. More of a hey we have heard all about this guy and will let karma help us sense. Yesterday was a classic example of what I am trying to describe. Occasionally I will get a goofy idea in my head and act upon it. Since I was working close to a state highway at the edge of the ranch, I thought about mooning a car for a good hour or so. When I finally decided I would do it, I heard the car coming got my pants at the ready and just before dropping them I checked to make sure the car was in view. The car was in fact a California Highway Patrol car and not something I should be mooning. Well unless I want to see the inside of the county jail that is. Karma the bloody mind reader.

So the Golden Globes are an award show of some note or so I am told. I am not a big follower of award shows. According to my sources the Oscar’s are a bigger deal than the Golden Globes. Still the Globes are still fairly important in the film and TV world. Apparently this award show is very important and must be treated with the respect and admiration it deserves. Which begs the question, why did you ask Ricky Gervais to host it then? This isn’t a slap at him not by a long shot. I find the man to be extremely funny and talented. Yet he is probably not the best choice to host this particular event. Asking him to not make fun of other actors is liking asking a hungry dog to not eat a sack full of cats. It is just not going to happen. I find it amusing that the people behind the Golden Globes were angry and shocked at his antics. The reason I have nothing to do with these shows is due to all the pomp and pretentious nonsense. I say good on Mr Gervais for sticking true to form and making an award show interesting for once.

Racism never made any sense to me. It always seemed like way to much work to hate someone because of their race, gender or religious beliefs. Mostly due to the fact that there is a much simpler reason to hate people and it’s okay to do so. When was the last time you saw a million man march over hating on stupid people? Okay don’t like the fact I am saying stupid people, then lets just says hating on stupid acts in general. To my mind it is the best way to get all of your rage out and not get into trouble for it. Since everyone does stupid things, everyone on the entire planet gets their turn being hated. No more worrying about getting in to trouble for the old methods of hate. For you racists pricks running around I will give you a quick class on how to transfer your hate.

Lets say your wandering down the street and a person of African American origin annoys you. Before you start your normal spittle covered act stop for one minute. Thoroughly check your surroundings for something stupid happening. Once you have found something, take all the rage you had for the African American and transfer it to the stupid. Now you have let all your rage out and you don’t have to worry about getting in to trouble with the law. In fact you and the aforementioned African American may find someone common ground pointing and laughing at the stupid person. See I have just single handled solved the problem of hate crimes by merely transferring the hate to something we all universally find unsatisfactory. Who know being stupid could be so useful

Okay so I was going to end this post with the above paragraph and go on with my day. As I normally do I checked the word count before saving. The word count was exactly 666. While I am neither religious or superstitious I decided why take chances. There we go the count is over 700 words and I am safe from eternal damnation.

It ain’t the years boy, it’s the miles.

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