PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites: Star Trek.

While I consider myself for the most part to be a console gamer, it would be very inaccurate to say I haven’t enjoyed my fair share of classic science fiction PC titles. And if  I go even further back in time as a kid, I also enjoyed a few of these titles on the TI994a home computer as well. One title that I really remember being impressed with for its time was Star Trek. While most Star Trek games don’t impress me at all, especially that old adventure game on PC, this one was based on a sit down vector graphics arcade game I used to pump quarters into at the local mall. So, when I had the ability to play it at home it was just amazing. Considering the age of this game and the lack of processing power of the TI994a, Star Trek ran both very smoothly and looked pretty good. The sound abilities in the game, especially the voice synthesizer, were beyond impressive when compared to other systems that were out at that same time in video game history. I enjoyed the split screen game play and using 2 points of view was very helpful as the game progressed. I must have spent more time looking at the top map screen while playing the later and  much more challenging levels. Star Wars, and especially its video games, will always rule over Star Trek in my memories as a kid growing up. However, this particular Star Trek title could stand with the best Star Wars games I played at its time.

[youtube PulPRIU2hbM]

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