Posts Tagged ‘corporate’

Ignoring The Industry Vs. Believing The Hype

An epiphany struck me just a moment ago. I haven’t had an X Box 360 for over a year now. I really want to get another one, as there are many 360 games still on my shelf and many others that have come out in my absence I want to play, but I also realized […]

Reviewing the Audience

I see the Mass Affect nonsense has now spawned a few more articles on games journalism. Questioning how reviewers can give ME3 such high scores, when the ending sucked harder than a level one rogue wearing tap shoes. As fun as it would be join the vapid chorus spotting nonsense about reviewers blowing corporate overlords. […]

FPS of the Year – 1997

Terribly sorry about the delay. I meant to post this yesterday, but…well…my 360 died…AGAIN…and as a result, I also didn’t get L.A. Noire upon its release date. Very sad stuff, but I should be resolving that shortly. In any case, this is yet another big year that houses some of my all-time favorite FPSs. And […]