Posts Tagged ‘douche’

Wonderpod Episode 168

This week on Wonderpod. Another two man show. Don’t ask us how losing one man equals a longer show. All we can hope is the damn thing is entertaining. A little video games and a little movies this week. Give it a listen and feel free to leave us a wee comment.

Wonderpod Episode 149

This weeks Wonderpod looked like a mess on paper. The good news is the crew is amazing and we pulled together a stellar show for you. Some weeks just running one hundred miles and hour and recording it all works the best of all. Enjoy the show and have a good weekend.

Words That Need to Die

There are a lot of words used on the internet. Which makes sense as man can not live on cat pictures alone. No matter what the average reddit user might say to the contrary. Yet there are quite a few abused and misused words out there. Some of them need to die in a fire […]