Posts Tagged ‘earth’

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 83

See what happens when most of the BoredWrestlingFan crew are sleep deprived.  JT Hogan meets his matches in RowdyRodimus Hogan, G Hogan and Mark Noyce Hogan, dude brother.  Joe channels his inner Ultimate Warrior, and Jorge channels his inner sheep lover.  We find out in the news why Ric Flair hasn’t paid his ex wife […]

My Thoughts On Earthbound

Earthbound. A game that for many is a fond, but distant memory. A game that did so much and (used to) receive so little recognition. A game that upon a distant glance doesn’t look like its anything special, but provides a fun, deep, and rewarding experience. Earthbound is one of the best SNES RPGs in […]

Swamp Thing and how 80’s comics redefined a genre.

Or how Alan Moore saved this kid from abandoning comics senior year. The year was 2002, 2nd semester, a young impressionable young man was finally calling it quits on Super-hero comics. WHY? you ask. Because after years of sitting around watching as the assorted heroes would rehash the same tired battles, have earth shattering moments […]

FPS of the Year – 1995

This is a big year, no lie. I won’t say it’s the biggest year, but holy damn. Even still, a lot of titles doesn’t mean a lot of good games, so…well, let’s just get into it.

FPS of the Year – 1994

This is a BIG year, but I think getting movies for all the games and briefly going over them, while it creates more work for me, is a better way of going about this. Sure, it means the article is HUGE, but unless I’m told it’s also BORING, I’m going to keep doing this so […]

Cargo! The Quest For Gravity (impressions)

I’ve always loved weird games. Games that are really out there, like weird dreams and Pyschonauts. I am sure I have forgotten some, but you get the general idea. So today Jim Sterling posted a link on twitter about a game called Cargo! The quest for gravity. The game is developed by ice-pick lodge a […]