Posts Tagged ‘free wii games’

Gamers. They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To.(Super Metroid Miiverse Reaction)

So as I type this,  Super Metroid is available for the amazingly low price of only $.30 on the Wii U. Not only can you play one of the best Super Nintendo games of all time for basically nothing ,you can also play on the touch pad if the television is being used by someone else. Have […]

PatMan “Plays” 3DS Swapnote. Starring members of the Wpod crew!

Welcome once again to another “shaky cam” PatMan plays video. This time around I am less playing and more watching as I mess around with the latest free app for Nintendo 3DS users, Swapnote ! In the last few days I have been receiving some cool 3D messages, pictures and drawings from members of the Wpod crew, […]