Posts Tagged ‘game’

PatMan Plays Destiny. The Moon Just Got Real.

What is going on, people? This week I have had a little more game time to really digest the game known as Destiny. Truth is, even with its lackluster story, they game is getting better and better as I level up and progress in the missions. I paired up yet again with a friend and […]

McGee In: CSGO

What happens when an idiot consumes several adult beverages and has access to video games? Why a video of playing a twitch shooter, that’s what happens. Sadly I am starting to wonder if I was drunk when I edited it as well. Meh, there is no way I am going back and doing it over. […]

PatMan Plays Destiny. Even More Fun With A Friend.

What is going on people? My 16 day stretch away from work is almost at an end. In between my travels I did find a bit of time for Destiny. I even had the pleasure of teaming up with a friend to take on the darkness! I’m early in but enjoying it. It’s a cross […]

PatMan Plays, With Himself. Mii Mario Kart 8

Happy Weekend to all. Last week I was avoiding bears and nasty chipmunks in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta and BC , so I had no time for videogame. But this week I am back and it is all about the great fun that Mario Kart 8 offers. I finally unlocked my Mii, something that took […]

PatMan Plays Ryse Son Of Rome.

  What IS going on people? PatMan is back with another Xbox One game-play video. This time I am playing the early levels of Ryse Son Of Rome. This game had a bad development history as it originally started off as a Kintect 1.0 title for the 360. It was then canned and moved to […]

Wonderpod Episode 195

Three dude’s recording in a canoe. Okay so that didn’t happen on this week’s Wonderpod, but wouldn’t it be cool. We gathered together last night and banged out a brand new episode. The internet gods were with us this week. So everything is back to as normal as we get.

PatMan Plays. Titanfall Beta.

When I got my hands on a code for the Titanfall Beta this morning I was eager to give this hyped up shooter a shot . Of course, family weekend activities took precedence over a video game beta and I had to wait until tonight to dive in. Or should I say “fall” in?  Silly […]

Unepic(Wii U)

Unepic is an action/platformer/rpg. Looks like it could be a lot of fun and a nice addition to the Wii U. I got to say, Nintendo might be finally learning how to show off the pad controller. So check out the trailer, especially if your name is Jon Kehoe. UnepicGet More: Comedy Central

Patman Plays COD Ghosts. Absence Makes The Game More Fun?

If you have listened to the last few years of Wonderpod, you will no doubt know that most of the crew stopped playing COD on a yearly basis. I for one just got bored of the exact same multi player, exact same 12 yearolds talking trash and the same single player campaign moments.  So, after […]

Dogfighting “Free To Play” In Star Wars Attack Squadrons.

  So, out of the blue this Star Wars game announcement trailer comes out today. To be honest, when this new title turned out to be a “squadron space ship combat” game I was very interested. I was a big fan of the old Star Wars Rouge Squadron games on the N64 and Gamecube however […]