Posts Tagged ‘listeners’

The War On.. New Beginnings

Welcome, Wonderpod readers/listeners/viewers/somethingelseImayhavemissed. This is the new column, the new rant, the new piece, brought to you by Wonderpod Online, and But before I explain just what it is you’ll see in future editions, the opening has to be cued. Cue the opening..

Gamer Dick Returns.

One of our more popular parts of our video game podcast Wonderpod, with out a doubt, is our gamer dick segment. This is where we showcase all the dick-heads that we play with online in games such as COD, L4D, and of course , Halo. While very entertaining for our listeners, it became a little […]

PatMan Plays. Episode 1- Kinect Sports !

Welcome to the first ever “PatMan Plays” on our brand new website, Wonderpodonline.  I am PatMan and , as those of you who listen to our podcast know, I tend to play videogames.  “PatMan Plays” is where you will see and read what I play. I might be playing Halo reach online with listeners of the […]