Posts Tagged ‘ramble’

Get Off My Lawn: Creating Fun

I was wandering through my video archives and the Wonderpod-Online YouTube channel. In doing so I realized how much I was caring about the wrong shit. Looking back is not always a good idea. Sometimes it can lead to a better path forward. Enjoy the video guys and see ya next time!

Get Off My Lawn: ( Black Desert Online)

It is time to discuss the player trade restriction’s in Black Desert Online. I also tangent into PTW again. If nothing else I feel better after getting this off my chest. Enjoy the video and feel free to comment!

McGee In: GTA V On PC (Impressions)

Time for my initial thoughts on GTA V for PC. This is the fastest turn around on a video for me. Pretty happy about that. I recorded this after playing for about three hours in solo mode. Enjoy the video guys!

Sports Shorts

In my continuing effort to talk about sports I give you sports shorts. When there is nothing major I want to talk about. I will just ramble about several topics at once. Kind of like my old Not Tycho News bit only about sports. If a real sports writer or hardcore fan ever reads this […]