Posts Tagged ‘SURPRISE’

KGB In: Killing Floor

Time for another video! This time Glasenator and Agent K join me for some Killing Floor. I had a lot of fun playing with the guys. Hopefully we will get a chance to try out Killing Floor 2 in the near future. Enjoy the video!

BWF Radio Episode 53: BWF Awards

This week on BWF Radio, it’s the 2012 BWF Awards!  Joe, Jorge, JT, and Jee (Screw you and your one letter, G!) discuss the week in pro wrestling, and then give out a number of awards for this year in professional wrestling!  Awards include PPV of the Year, Entrance of the Year, Surprise of the […]

WWE RAW Reflections: 14/03/2011

-RAW REFLECTIONS!  Snarky wrestling editorializing of televised wrestling the night before, so we can have a laugh later!  Telling you why your opinions on wrestling are WRONG, coupled with jokes!