Posts Tagged ‘yeah’

Chrome Games 1 (Creatures and Castles)

It is time to start bringing you fine readers some Google Chrome games. We have talked about game apps for this web browser several times on Wonderpod. I have since decided to get off my lazy ass and start playing a few to share. The goal being to give you some fun games to waste […]

Wonderpod Episode 82

Wonderpod is back in town kids with another new episode. The world may rejoice as Pat has returned to the fold. He was in fact kidnapped by a yeti and was forced to challenge him to a round of miniature golf. I am telling you Canada has some cool shit man. Even the wilderness comes […]

Impact review:06/02/11

Well sorry to disappoint. But tonight there is no G, only the temp Pintnoir. Let us delve in.

Everyone Else Is Doing It, So Why The Hell Not…

Read ahead to see what my favorite wrestling game is and why.

Adventure Game of the Year – 1999

Done! Finally done! I might go a step beyond with this one as well, but don’t count on it. If Wiki is right, there are some years where there aren’t ANY adventure games, so we’ll see. This year makes me incredibly sad because it’s a tell tale sign that adventure games are no longer popular. […]