Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Infinite Warrior

Usually, when a game drops in price or even goes free soon after its release it is an indication of a bad title. Or, perhaps it is a decent game but it is filled with annoying bugs. Infinite Warrior is defiantly not a bad title, nor have I encountered any bugs, yet this is the second time that the […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Iron Fist Boxing 3 HD Edition

Boxing games are hit and miss with me ( SEE what I did there?).  And touch controls for a fighting game can be a little dodgy on iOS (SEE I just did it again!) So when I saw Iron Fist Boxing 3, or whatever the hell it is calling itself, I was not sure how I […]

PatMan Picks: Free iPhone games.Don’t Run with a Plasma Sword.

It is the weekend once again and as you enjoy the first days of fall why not check out some more FREE iOS titles. As always they are limited time offers so get downloading. This time I am playing “Don’t Run with a Plasma Sword”, which is actually don’t run with a lightsaber to be honest. […]

PatMan Picks: Free iPhone games. Gunman Clive( Today only)

What is this you say, not one but two FREE iOS  picks, in the same day ? It might be because I was on vacation the  last 2 weeks and want to make up for it , or maybe it might be because not everyone likes free Panties Ninja games( No accounting for taste). Or, […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Panty Panties!

Everyone loves Fruit Ninja. And why not,  it is a great and fun time waster with addictive and simple game play. But have you ever wondered to yourself what the game would be like if, instead of chopping up fruit, you actually chopped up girls panties? You HAVE? Oh. OK. I was just kidding. Well, your kind of […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Ricky Carmichael’s Motocross Matchup Pro

I am a fan of racing games, always have been and probably will always continue to be. So, I like it when I stumble upon a good ,solid racer on the iPhone. Ricky Carmichael’s Motocross Matchup Pro is exactly that. Oh and of course, the game is FREE for a limited time. If you like motocross […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Trigger Fist

What happens when a developer launches a shooter priced at $4.99 that is essentially online only, resulting in gamers playing with bots all the time due to lack of real, human opponents? A few weeks later it goes on for absolutely FREE, that’s what happens. In an attempt to get more people playing Trigger Fist the game has become free […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. One Epic Knight.

“Endless Runners”, or simply put, Temple Run clones seem to be the latest fad on iOS as of late. They are coming out almost every week it seems. And by no surprise there is yet another one out now by the name of One Epic Knight. It is free to play and it is my pick for […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Amateur Surgeon 2

I once had dreams of being a high paid and world famous surgeon when I started attending University. Unfortunately, that dream interfered with my obsession with video games, drunken frat parties and one awkward night with the school mascot. All of this got me kicked out of the world of higher learning. Yet, ironically, it gave me perfect credentials for blogging here at Wpod!  Ok. So, absolutely none […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Air Fox HD( River Raid )

I am the proud owner of many a console, computer and hand held device from the glorious past. However one system I never owned was the Atari 2600. However I did have friends who had one and I manged to play some of the best titles for it over the years, but not nearly as much as I wanted to of course. I remember […]