Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Perfect Cell

Welcome back to another PatMan Picks FREE iPhone games. I have a pretty good one for your downloading pleasures this weekend, Perfect Cell. This game has been out for over a year and yet this weekend is the only time it has been offered for free, so as always, you better get downloading it quickly. Perfect Cell […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Robot Rampage

Have you ever had a dream about turning into a giant robot? One who’s only purpose is to destroy buildings, blast tanks with lasers, squash  ground troops and take out tanks? You have? Wow. Because I was kidding and your kind of deranged, really. But that’s OK, because you can now live out those strange dreams in […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Killer Bean Unleashed

I have played a fair number of 2D inspired platform/actions games since I bought my iPhone 4S. Most of these titles were, of course, free. And while these little games are fun, the truth is most of them lacked a main character that had any real depth. Most platform games, or action platform games on iOS have […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Riptide GP

I am a pretty big fan of racing games that take place on water. I am not really sure why that is to be honest, but I like them none the less. As a matter of fact, the first iOS title I downloaded was Aqua Moto 2, a very fun little Wave Race inspired title. […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Phoenix HD

Another day goes by and you guessed it, another free iPhone game has been discovered by yours truly. Today’s pick is an action arcade shooter by the name of Phoenix HD. I know what you are thinking, I love these games but they are so hard I just never play them. And yes, I suppose at first glance it looks to be […]

PatMan Previews: Megatroid( iOS )

What do you get when an indy developer makes a game with randomly generated levels inspired by both MegaMan and Metroid? You get Megatroid, that’s what. Swedish  developer Triolith Entertainment is about to release Megatroid world wide on iOS very soon. How soon you ask? Well, it is out in a few  select countries already and they say it is coming world wide […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Catapult King

It is Friday again and I have a fun , and free of course, iPhone game for you all to download for the Weekend. The game is simple, has nice colorful graphics and is pretty fun to play. It is called Catapult King, and yes as you may have guessed, it involves catapults and destroying things. The […]

PatMan Previews: Death Dome (iOS)

Former Nintendo DS developers Griptonite are taking aim at the iOS market with a visually impressive looking title by the name of Death Dome. While it is evident right from the start that Death Dome is highly “inspired” by the popular iOS game Infinity Blade, by Epic games, that is not a bad thing. The game is near completion and […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone Games.Tap The Frog

I have downloaded a decent number of free iPhone titles since getting my 4S. Some of which really impressed me with great visuals, others with online game play and even some with great touch controls. The thing is, most of these free games end up deleted off my phone in less than 4 days. Partially because I like trying […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone Games. Mega Run – Redford’s Adventure

I have been playing  the best platform games for decades, so when I see one up for free on the iPhone I am a little pessimistic about it.  Turns out, Mega Run – Redford’s Adventure is actually pretty decent and a great, quick ,time waster.  It is a very simple game to control, which on the iPhone is […]