Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. D-Day Normandy

Looking for an old school, arcade style shooter? Well, this one looks to have been inspired from the classic Commando coin op of the past and while maybe not as good as that classic game, its pretty darn fun once you level up a few ranks . Download  D-Day Normandy quickly, because its time as a free app on the iPhone is pretty limited. […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Traffic Panic London

It is Friday and I am back with yet another price reduced iPhone game, and by price reduced, I mean free of course. Not sure how long this one will remain free, so if it tickles your fancy, go download it at the app store pronto. My choice today is called Traffic Panic London. It […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Bullistic Unleashed

Another day, another iPhone game reduced to absolutely free and as usual, only for a limited time. So, do you like Angry Birds but always wished that instead of birds, you could catapult  Bulls across a mall , killing humans in a bloody manner, destroying property and even ” getting busy” with some cows in the process?  Well then, your […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Mustachio The Adventure

Welcome back to another PatMan picks free iphone games.  My pick today is Mustachio The Adventure, a 2D platform game using 3D scaling graphics.  This one just went free a few hours ago and will remain free for “only a  limited time” , what ever that means . The game looks very nice and controls pretty decently as well. I am […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. VR Mission ( Free Only Today)

What is going on people? I am back and have another cool , free iPhone game for you to download!  Only this time, you better be quick about it. It is a 24 hour only free giveaway, and the clock has been running for a while now! The game is called  “VR Mission” , a 2D action/ […]

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Monster Shooter The Lost Levels.

Welcome back to another  PatMan Picks. This time around I wont be talking classic wrestling or video games of yesteryear but I will be telling you good people about a free app/ game that I have discovered on the iPhone. These deals sometimes only last 24 hours, then the free price tag goes back up to original price, so […]

PatMan Plays iPhone games: Aqua Moto 2.

I have finally put my ancient cell phone to rest. It is only because I was offered an absolutely free Iphone 4S by my phone company that I have now fully embraced the technology that I once was not interested in at all. I will fully admit that I quickly became fascinated with all the […]

PatMan Picks :Most Interesting WiiU Game At E3. And It Is NOT From Nintendo?

If you were to tell me a week ago that I would find a third party game, with Zombies in it no less, to be the most captivating WiiU game at E3 I would have laughed at you until I was out of breath. Then I would have taken yet another even more deep breath […]

New Fighter Makes MK VS DC Universe An Injustice.

So if you have listened to any episodes of Wonderpod video game podcast you may recall me talking very highly of the latest, and possibly the best ever, Mortal Kombat game. However you also may have remembered that I did not think the same about Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. The truth is,  while MK vs. DC […]

Weekly Spartan Ops Missions Highlight Halo 4 online modes.

If yesterdays Halo 4 trailer and game play footage was not enough to get your space marine excitement level up, then check out the new multiplayer footage.  The video below showcases both the competitive online mode ,now called War Games, and also the new co-op mode, Spartan Ops. I for one am looking forward to both variations of online […]