Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Jr. Plays. Kinect Fun Labs !PatMan Jr. Plays. Kinect Fun Labs !PatMan Jr. Plays. Kinect Fun Labs !

 With the birth of PatMan Jr,  PatMan has been a little on the busy side as of late. This means little time for podcasting or posting articles and videos for you people, the  fine Wpod viewers. However today I have an epic post as PatMan Jr is transformed into his FIRST starring roll in a video game, […]

Wrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years TodayWrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years TodayWrestling Classics: Gene Kiniski’s Final Match feat. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm: 20 Years Today

Twenty years ago today, on February 25th, 1992, Gene Kiniski’s final appearance in the ring occurred in Winnipeg, Canada for the West Four Wrestling Alliance (WFWA) promotion. Kiniski would perform in four matches on the card. The fourth, and final bout, was a three man tag team match with Kiniski’s partners being a young Chris […]

Star Wars Kinect Duel “Trailer”. Now, If Only The Game Turns Out This Good.

If your wondering where the Kinect Star Wars video game that was shown off at several e3’s went, its almost here. It was delayed due to ” quality issues”. What were those quality issues you ask?  The controls absolutely sucked. Of course, considering it is a motion control video game this was a big issue. Thankfully,  instead of rushing it out for Christmas […]

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites. Banjo-Kazooie

Super Mario 64 was a revolutionary and amazing launch title on the N64. It was like nothing else I had ever played. It set the bar very high for all other 3D platform games that came after it and honestly, many future titles would not match it in terms of game play or fun. Banjo Kazooie may […]

PatMan Plays: Kinect Sports Season 2.

 Welcome, it is  time again for another “shaky cam” PatMan plays video, this time Kinect style! Watch as I mess a round with Kinect Sports Season 2. I have not owned the game for very long however I am enjoying it very much. The game made it all they way to number 7 on my 10 most favorite games of 2011 […]

PatMan Picks. Favorite 10 Video Games of 2011. ( Part 2)

Welcome back to my personal and favorite games list for 2011. Just like last time these games are taken only from the ones I actually played, not what I might think “deserve” to be on the top 10.  I have played and enjoyed games this year where I broke peoples spines while watching them vomit blood, […]

PatMan Picks. Favorite 10 Video Games of 2011.( Part 1)

If you have not listened to our year end episode of wonderpod (91) , you have missed out on a lot of “top games” discussions. We talk about our personal favorites of 2011 including best down loadable games, game audio and overall top 3 for the year. It got me thinking about the games I missed, […]

PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites. Munch Man.

One of my all time favorite video games and characters for that matter is the legendary Pac-Man. To this day this action/puzzle game is still simple, addictive fun. However, back in the early days of home video games and early PC gaming, developers just could not make a great port for this arcade classic. As a matter of fact, most of the early […]

PatMan “Plays” 3DS Swapnote. Starring members of the Wpod crew!

Welcome once again to another “shaky cam” PatMan plays video. This time around I am less playing and more watching as I mess around with the latest free app for Nintendo 3DS users, Swapnote ! In the last few days I have been receiving some cool 3D messages, pictures and drawings from members of the Wpod crew, […]

PatMan Picks TI99/4a Favorites: Star Trek.

While I consider myself for the most part to be a console gamer, it would be very inaccurate to say I haven’t enjoyed my fair share of classic science fiction PC titles. And if  I go even further back in time as a kid, I also enjoyed a few of these titles on the TI994a home computer […]