Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: StarFox 64.

We gamers sure are spoiled these days. The visuals, sounds and online functionality in our modern games have us at a point where we might not even remember how special it was back when something really different or never before experienced appeared in a title. Star Fox 64 was one revolutionary home video game that […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Chris Benoit vs B.G Holliday

Welcome back to another classic encounter in Calgary’s rich past. This time around we will take a look at a young “cocky” wrestler by the name of B.G. Holliday as he takes on a young Chris Benoit. Holliday never became an international super star like Benoit did, he would never become multi time world champion […]

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites. Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Nintendo has become famous for its amazing platformers. They usually star an assortment of our favorite cartoon like characters raging from the iconic Mario & Donkey Kong all the way to ultra cute Yoshi and Kirby. However,during the N64 life cycle ,Nintendo had some steep competition from their very own 2nd party developers, Rare. Rare would create the amazing Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel Tooie along with Donkey […]

Patman Picks N64 Favorites. Turok Dinosaur Hunter.

There was nothing like that surprising first time that a Raptor came running out of the fog at us. We panicked. We switched from our knife to our pistol and hoped we had the time to shoot it dead as it ran in and attacked. Then many of us said out loud , ” That […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Classics. Halloween special. Brian Pillman vs. Jason The Terrible !

Welcome back to another trip down Stampede Wrestling’ memory lane. This week I have a match specially picked out for Halloween viewing! First up its a young “Flying Brian Pillman”, who at this point in his career had only recently started training in the famous “dungeon” of the Hart family. Pillman would, of course, go on to […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. First Televised Ladder Match? Bad News Brown vs. Bret Hart.

Welcome back to another Stampede Wrestling classic encounter as we again travel back in the pro wrestling time machine and return to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This time around I have discovered what could very well be the first ever televised ladder match. The ladder match is of course a very popular event made very famous in the […]

PatMan Picks N64 Favorites: Diddy Kong Racing.

From its mode 7 beginnings on the SNES all the way to its much anticipated and upcoming release on the  3DS Mario Kart has been the undisputed champion of kart racing titles, often leaving any and all competition in its dust. In the past, however, there was one exception. That game was Diddy Kong Racing, developed by Rare for the N64. This mascot racing […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Davey Boy Smith vs. Dynamite Kid. Before they were Bulldogs!

Its time once again to travel back into Calgary’s rich wrestling past for some classic Stampede action. This time around I have a match showcasing the members of my favorite tag team of all time, the famous British Bulldogs. Or should I say future favorite tag team of all time. The catch is, this match […]

PatMan Picks N64 classics. Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire.

Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire is yet another example of my fondness of expanding the Star Wars universe into  interactive video game form. I am particularly fond of this title as it released near the very launch of the N64, was very ambitious for its time, and turned out to be great fun. Lucas Arts would develop better looking […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. The Bushwhackers VS Bret & Keith Hart.

Welcome yet again to another trip down Stampede Wrestlings historic and classic past. As Ed Whalen would perfectly put it, last week I had a “Malfunction at the junction”, but I am back this week for a ” Ring-A-Ding-Dong-Dandy!”. This time around lets have a look at tag team wrestling in the form of two […]