Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks: N64 Classics. Wave Race

Many younger gamers don’t understand how truly revolutionary and important the N64 was in the history of video games. While games such as Star Fox back on the SNES may have bravely attempted to use polygons in video games, it was a completely on rails game experience and in a world with no textures. It […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Bill Kazmaier vs Ted Arcidi .Powerlifting Competition!

Welcome to another episode of classic wrestling, Stampede Style! This time around I am featuring something a little different than my usual old school wrestling matches. Don’t worry, all the dungeon trained future super stars and Stampede alumni will return to wrestle it out for our enjoyment next time. Today, I am featuring a “strong […]

Patman Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Dr. D David Shultz vs Nick Bockwinkle

Welcome again to another fun trip back in pro wrestling history. Today we will visit a match involving one of Stampedes biggest stars at this point time, Dr. D David Shultz. Although a star in places like AWA, WWF, Japan and Stampede Wrestling , Dr. D is probably most famous for his big mouth both […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Davey Boy Smith VS Bret Hart.

Its that time again people, its time for some classic wrestling action. Welcome to another journey back in time as we explore Stampede Wrestlings great historic past. This time around lets watch a very good match between 2 former wrestlers from the Calgary promotion who were actually WWF employees at the time battling it out […]

PatMan Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics: Bad News Allen (Brown) vs Owen Hart.

Welcome to another episode of classic wrestling here at As usual, we will travel back in time once again to our destination of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The home of Stampede Wrestling! This time its Owen Hart, the future WWF tag team champion, “slammy” award winner and the man destined to become the “king of Harts” in the WWF. His opponent in this match is […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC Games: Delta Force

These days anyone who sees me playing on XBL can tell you that I am a big shooter fan. COD, Halo, GOW, BF. You name it, if I can play online with friends or against random noobs, I will probably give it a shot. But I wasn’t always just a console shooter gamer.I did start […]

Patman Picks Stampede Wrestling Classics. Young Bret Hart vs AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkle.

One of the great things about Stampede Wrestling was its inter promotional matches. Many classic encounters took place in Calgary between the Stampede roster and champions from other wrestling territories such as the AWA, NWA, Japan and even other Canadian organizations. Here is a classic encounter out of Stampede Wrestlings rich past thats bound to […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Jungle Hunt TI994A

By now, it must be obvious that my personal favorite time in PC gaming history, my “golden era”, is around the 486 to Pentium 1 days. For its time, it was the best era in PC gaming with the advent of CD ROM gaming, my very early 3D graphics cards (if any at all) and […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC Games. MechWarrior 2

Aside from occasionally going to a friends house to check out a new title now and then, I used to play the majority of my PC games alone. And to be honest, I liked it that way. Some of my friends, including my very own brother, didn’t enjoy playing video games as much as I did […]

PatMan Picks Retro PC games. Raptor Call Of The Shadows

Welcome to another episode of the semi popular segment, PatMan Picks classic PC games. My pick for this week is a title that I actually didn’t play until a good few years after it was released in stores. I remember finding the demo for Raptor Call Of The Shadows on a PC magazine CD. It […]