B and K: Meet The Cultist

Yesterday myself and Agent K went into Arma 3 Epoch. I would call it the successor to Arma 2 DayZ Epoch. All we knew about it was there are no zombies. We soon found out what they had replaced zombies with. From there on the fear induced chaos took over. Been a long time since I legitimately freaked out in a video game. Made for a fun afternoon to be sure.

Wonderpod Episode 230.

Wonderpod is here to save the day! This weeks episode is a bit shorter than normal. We got a late start and then an egg roll got crammed into a sound card. Things never got back on the rails. Makes for a fun show. We are doing a live show next week. Details on our Facebook.
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PatMan Plays Killer Instinct Season 2.

Season 2 of Killer Instinct is starting out with 2 familiar names, TJ Combo and Maya. I have to admit that season one was absolutely great. Maybe a little “too great” for season 2 to “wow” me this time around. Many of the big name characters have already been released in season 1 and also the nostalgia factor of not playing a KI game since the N64 is, well, now gone after playing season one. But, that didn’t stop me from playing season 2 a few days ago and I will more than likely download the entire thing, along with KI2 arcade, sometime in the future. For now, here is Maya VS TJ Combo. I play as TJ Combo. You can tell its been a long time since I played as this guy, but I just like to jump in and learn from the go instead of practicing. I probably should have practiced. Check out the clip below and I will see you all on the Flip-Side.


Wonderpod Episode 229

Time for Wonderpod. This week Glasenator takes over the hosting duties for the first time. He did an amazing job. Which allowed for many muted sea shanties. Be very glad the mute was in use. Enjoy the show people!
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PatMan Picks Free iOS Games. Spider-Man Unlimited

No ,you haven’t returned to 2012 in some sort of time warp ,multi dimensional crazy loop. I am finally back with another iOS pic. While I spend the vast majority of my current time with my Xbox One and WiiU, I do occasionally check out the iOS market . And I stumbled upon ultimate Spider-man . It is a freemium Spider-Man game. It’s actually pretty decent ,kids will love it ,and as long as you don’t do micro transactions ,it’s free. It’s a slightly different take on the endless runner games with web slinging , bad guy punching and wall crawling added to the mix. And speaking of “multi dimensional”, you will be playing as alternate dimension Spider-Men , if you are good enough to unlock them. Check out a trailer below and who knows, maybe I’ll do another iPhone pick before 2016! See you all, on the FLIP-SIDE.

Story Complete. PatMan Plays Destiny.

The long weekend is here for us in Canada so, hopefully in-between stuffing my face with Turkey and Ham I will have time for some Destiny. I have completed the ” Story ” part of the game at level 20. While its highly rumored that much of the story was actually changed and taken out for future DLC, what is there is OK considering it is not the end of the game at all. Now, I must upgrade my armor and absorb light or something like that, I don’t know, I guess I will figure it out as I go along. Anyways, check out the boss and the final moments of the story portion of the game below. Wait…. you don’t want to see this because it is a spoiler? Then DON’T watch it and all will be fine. Have a good weekend and I will see you all on the flip-side! Spoilers a plenty here!


Wonderpod Episode 228

Time for another Wonderpod. A duo show as you can tell from the fancy banner. The show wandered into a general chat, ramble mode. Always a blast to do this type of episode from time to time. Have a great weekend and enjoy the show!
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Strike It Up! PatMan Plays Destiny.

Another weekend is upon us and,as usual, I have some time for Destiny on the Xbox One. This time I play the Strike playlist with randoms. I am still impressed with the randoms thus far, they are far better than I had expected from the usual XBL gamer I have randomly encountered. Maybe I am just lucky or maybe players just need to work together in the strike missions, I don’t know.In the video below I partake in 2 strikes. Check the footage out and I will see you all on the flip-side!


Wonderpod Episode 227

Wonderpod is here and rolling. One of the regular cast takes a shot at hosting this episode. Other than that a fairly typical show. A little of this and a little of that. Like any good stew. Enjoy it!
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Wonderplays: Monaco

Time for another Wonderplays. This week Glasenator and I tackle the game Monaco: Whats yours is mine. It is a fun little 8-bit top down heist game. This video even has a surprise ending.