PatMan Plays Destiny. Randoms Are Random

What is going on people? This weekend, I have been playing some Destiny with random players. Normally I stay as far away from randoms as I can on XBL, they usually are annoying knobs or trolls. But, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that for the most part things went decently with random gamers. I played competitive MP and also a strike from the strike MP playlist which I just recently unlocked. Check out 5 random minutes of me playing with random people. The strike playlist is hard as hell, so I better keep upgrading my character for the next one. See you all, on the flip-side.

Wonderpod Episode 226

It is time, once again for Wonderpod. We recorded while broadcasting live on Mixlr. We always have fun doing the live shows. We stayed clear of the video game industry for the most part again this week. We will do another live broadcast in October. Enjoy the show!
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Patman Plays Destiny. He Can Dance If He Wants To.

This is me. I dance. I dance the safety dance. That is all.

Wonderplays: Castle Crashers 2

This week the Wonderplays crew goes back to crashing castles. We had so much fun playing last week, why not do it two weeks in a row. Which is impressive given how much shit the servers gave us again. It is really hard to to put into words how much fun this is with four people. This is the part where I feel like there needs to be one more sentence. There, I feel better now.

PatMan Plays Destiny. Back As A Lone Wolf.

What is going on, people? Hope you enjoyed the weekend even half as much as I did. I played a lot of Destiny when I was not outside enjoying the sun. This time however,I played the game alone as my fire teammate has a very strong dose of “reality” to be dealing with at the moment. I hate it when that happens. Anyways, check out 5 mins of Destiny action as things get even more intense. The story, such as it is, starts to take shape. Enjoy the clips and I will see you all on the flip side!

PatMan Plays Destiny. The Moon Just Got Real.

What is going on, people? This week I have had a little more game time to really digest the game known as Destiny. Truth is, even with its lackluster story, they game is getting better and better as I level up and progress in the missions. I paired up yet again with a friend and we temporarily left Earth behind. Our journeys took me to the moon. Here ,things go up a notch in terms of difficulty, but my fireteammate and I were up for a good challenge. It was a fun time. Check out over 4 mins of footage below and I will see you all, on the flip-side !

Wonderpod Episode 225

The crew is back with another episode of Wonderpod. We wander back into gaming news this week. It was kind of difficult not to. It does create a great discussion on a number of topics affecting the industry. Doing the news is great when it encourages discussions. Enjoy your weekend!
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McGee In: CSGO

What happens when an idiot consumes several adult beverages and has access to video games? Why a video of playing a twitch shooter, that’s what happens. Sadly I am starting to wonder if I was drunk when I edited it as well. Meh, there is no way I am going back and doing it over. Make it a game and see what got left in that was suppose to be cut.

Wonderplays: Castle Crashers

The Wonderpod crew and our good buddy Roger, throw down in Castle Crashers. Sadly, Steam was being a royal asshole that night. Caused a bunch of lag and other issues. Still think the amount of fun we were having comes across well. There is a large chance we will be playing this again in the future. Enjoy the video!

PatMan Plays Destiny. Even More Fun With A Friend.

What is going on people? My 16 day stretch away from work is almost at an end. In between my travels I did find a bit of time for Destiny. I even had the pleasure of teaming up with a friend to take on the darkness! I’m early in but enjoying it. It’s a cross between Borderlands and Halo , although there is clearly not enough loot in the game to directly compare it to Borderlands. I have not played any strikes nor have I played the competitive multiplayer, so there is a lot to take in before I have a final opinion of the game. But so far its fun and smooth. There is nothing here that’s revolutionary, no deep story. But there is fun shooting, a great co-op campaign mode and a bit of exploration. Check out the video below for some public events , co op campaign and, of course , funny dance moves! See you all on the flipside !