B And K Play: Warface Part 2

Agent K and I are back with the second part of our Warface co-op adventure. We spent a decent chunk of this video fighting what we thought was a boss. Turns out we were dead wrong. Also the co-op missions have a time limit. Which is rather stupid and really serves no purpose in this setting. In fact I could of ended the video a couple minutes later and you could of heard us rage. If only we had been informed of the time limit before hand. Oh well, still lots of antics and hilarity. Enjoy it!

PatMan Plays Mario Kart 8 : Luigi vs Mii !

What is going on people? I have ,once again, been enjoying the fun that Mario kart 8 has to offer. It will take a great game to stop me from returning to these Kart sessions. Will Destiny be that game? I will find out in a few weeks. This weekend however , it was an epic battle between my Mii & Luigi himself! I bring you 2 videos highlighting neck and neck finishes. Luigi “Death Stares” and finish line drama are to be seen here, so check out both vids below and I will see you all on the flip-side




Wonderpod Episode 221

Wonderpod is back to normal this week. The three regular cast members are in place. We are not messing with a video at the same time. Basically a regular podcast for you all. We will be doing a live show next Thursday. Until then enjoy this weeks show.
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B And K Play: Warface Part 1

A week or so back, Agent K and I played a few co-op missions in Warface. Which is a free to play online shooter from Crytek. This was attempt number 2 at this mission and it ended far better than the first attempt. Interesting game, but felt like it might be a little to pay to win in the competitive multiplayer. Enjoy my mad shooting skills people!

Maker McGee (camera rig)

The last couple winters I have been taking photos using what I have taken to calling camera traps. They are also known as trail or game cameras. Basically self contained cameras that run off batteries. They can take photos and videos depending on how you set them up. Each camera has different methods of taking capturing images so I have quite a bit of flexibility. It has been a lot of fun seeing what comes back on the memory cards. Problem is the animals got a little to interested in the cameras.
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Wonderpod EP 220 Video

Time for the video portion of Wonderpod Episode 220. I know trying this wrecked the audio podcast a bit. Warning it is a very long video, but you should be able to knock it out in a few sittings. For future videos they will be separate from the podcast itself. More on that in the weeks to come. Until then enjoy the video!

Wonderpod Episode 220

This week Wonderpod goes on a trip. A trip to minecraft town. What the hell does that mean exactly? The three of us play minecraft, while talking nerd news and such. We are hoping the video will be posted on Monday. Let us know what you think of the podcast recorded this way.
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PatMan Plays Mario Kart 8. Weekend Fun.


What IS going on , people? Another fun summer weekend is what’s going on! In between all the summer activities I have had time to squeeze in some late night Mario Kart 8 action, and I have a new video to show. The more I think about it, the more it becomes evident that Mario Kart 8 is the most fun ” New Gen” game I have played, so far. Titanfall and Killer Instinct on the Xbox One are close contenders, but Mario Kart finishes in first! And, with free DLC about to drop in a few weeks for this game, I am sure to be back with more videos in the future. Mostly because the game does all the work and recording for me. Anyways, sit back and enjoy the action and fun as my ” Mii ” races in Mario Kart Stadium.  Do I finish in first? DoI take a blue shell to the head at the end and finish last? Well, watch the short video and find out. See you all, on the flip side!


Wonderpod Episode 219

Time for another two-man Wonderpod. Jon has taken a break, so it is back to a daring duo. It is unlikely, that our brains were working correctly during this recording. Made for an awesome episode, but slightly schizophrenic. Always nice to just go right off the rails and stay there.
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7 Days To Die Fun

Time for some more video antics. It occurred to me while editing this video that I have posted nothing but survival games. Survival games with zombies as the main enemy. Are we to the point yet, where zombies are just standard enemies yet? I take them that way anymore. Along the lines of goblins, Russians and Nazis. Zombies or not, the premise and mechanics of this game make it stand out from the rest of the mob on Steam.