PatMan Plays, With Himself. Mii Mario Kart 8

Happy Weekend to all. Last week I was avoiding bears and nasty chipmunks in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta and BC , so I had no time for videogame. But this week I am back and it is all about the great fun that Mario Kart 8 offers. I finally unlocked my Mii, something that took longer than I expected. Anyway, I have had fun playing with my Mii and yes, I have had several encounters with Luigi and several “Death Stares”. But that didn’t stop me from winning the races, nice try green guy. Here is one highlight reel of a race I had just last night. Enjoy the video, enjoy the weekend , check out our forums which are bursting with activity and I will see you all on the flip-side!

Wonderpod Episode 213

Wonderpod is back to full strength this week. Feels like we finally got caught up after the blitz that was E3. Mostly gaming, with a dash of movie rambling thrown in. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend.
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Wonderpod Episode 212

What started out at as a normal show, Whic then turned into a two man adventure. Glasenator got lost in the wilderness somewhere in eastern Canada. So just Jon and I phoned the RCMP and then did a show. For those of you who like games we’ve been playing, its back in the mix. Plus the usual game news banter and frivolity.
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PatMan Plays Mario Kart 8. Saturday Night Battle

The greatness of the Weekend is once again upon us, and with a week off work to follow, things are looking very good here in the land of PatMan. I had some time tonight to play video games, and once again I put my Xbox One aside and played WiiU , specifically Mario Kart 8. This time around I try out the battle mode. To be honest, I have never been a big fan of battle mode in Mario Kart games. I don’t know if it is the silly balloons or if it is the non racing elements to it, I just have never been into it. I know a lot of people love it, and its not bad at all, so I played some rounds online tonight for shits and giggles. There are no arenas this time around, no specific Battle mode maps at all . Players battle it out on some of the tracks in the game that already exist. In the video below you will see that I was off to a bad start as I embarrassingly blow my engine. However, things look up  from there and I actually end up coming in first place out of  the 12 random gamers playing together tonight . USA, Germany and Canada were the countries represented in this particular match. And the match was smooth and lag free. Battle mode is decent fun, but I am much more interested in the racing action of Mario Kart 8  both offline and online. I will be returning to that next time. But, until next time, check out the video below and I will see you all, on the flip side!

Wonderpod Episode 211

Its time for Wonderpod, E3 flavor! We gathered all the info worth possessing from the E3 hype festical. Then we regurgitated it for you both live and on file. Always a wild week doing a show on nothing but E3. Great doing it in front of a live audience again. Enjoy the show!
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Saturday Night With Mario Kart 8. PatMan Plays.


The weekend is here, and I have been enjoying the sun. But, of course, I also have been enjoying the great fun that is known as Mario Kart 8! I have had the opportunity to play both online and offline and its smooth in both cases. Hopefully I can hook up with our very own Jonkind from the Wonderpod podcast soon and maybe get some video of us playing together. For now, check out 2 videos highlights of me playing single player. The first is Mario Circuit and the next is the latest version of Rainbow road. There are 2 Rainbow roads in Mario Kart 8, one classic inspired track and the one below. Check them out, have fun playing games and I will see you all on the flip side!



Wonderpod Episode 210

We got a show for you this week. The things we had to do to just to get something on file. First off we added a brand new cast member. Second we had a number of technical issues even getting on Skype. This was not a clean show in any way shape or form. Still a great episode and special thanks to Quiglen!
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PatMan Plays. Mario Kart 8 Online !

What is going on people? Mario Kart 8, THAT is what is going on, I tell you! I have been having an absolute blast playing this title, and it is shaping up to be my favorite in the series. Last night I went online and played with a co-worker of mine. It is smooth and fast, no issues at all. So, considering the usual cluster fuck that is associated with the first week of online gameplay I am impressed. Here are 2 short videos of the team racing that I did with my friend last night.  Check them out and if you have the game let me know and we can play together sometime! See you all on the flip-side!

PatMan Plays Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 is finally out and PatMan has a reason to dust off the WiiU, put aside the Xbox One for a little while and have some good old fashioned Nintendo FUN. And fun it is. Mario Kart 8 may very well become my favorite game in the series. Technically speaking its outstanding. The HD visuals run at 60 frames/second but, unfortunately, Youtube only runs at 30 frames/ second so you are missing out on half the frames of animation. However, you still get the idea by watching the video below. Trust me when I tell you that the game looks absolutely amazing on a HDTV. Gameplay is as fun as ever and they don’t over use the anti gravity, the underwater or the flying aspects of racing. There are a lot of tracks both old and new to unlock with plenty of online multiplayer replayability, well, once they fix he usual first day bugs. And the replay/ theater mode is fun and simple. Its great fun to watch your replays backwards or in slow motion!  Anyways, here is a  few random videos I took tonight in one of my first games. It is a  retro track from the 3DS and one from way back on GBA. I will  post some videos of the all new tracks in the future. Posting these videos is absolutely painless, so expect some more in the weeks to come. See you all on the flip side. Oh and in case you are wondering who I am in these videos, I am Mario, he is always a good character to start off as.



Wonderpod Episode 209

Glasenator is roaming the woods in upstate New York. Which means time for a two man episode of Wonderpod. We enjoy doing these, but may be investing in a bull pen soon. Starts in the gaming realm and turns to the tech world before hitting the wall. Enjoy the show people!
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