Saturday Night On X-Box One. PatMan Plays

Another fine weekend is here and that gives me another opportunity to get some Xbox One game time in ! I checked out Powerstar Golf, as it now has free levels to play. It is pretty decent fun, I like it however I am not so sure I will drop 20 dollars on the game anytime soon. I will return and give it another try some time. Also, I played a few rounds of the addictive online chaos knows as Titanfall.  Before I did any of that , I  check out Major Nelson on Twitch as he was playing the new Wolfenstein game which looks all sorts of old school fun. See you all on the flip side, check out some footage below of my Saturday night game time will ya?

Wonderpod Episode 208

Time for the recorded part of this weeks Wonderpod. That’s right we did another live episode. Things went off and on the rails so many times it was like a Donkey Kong level. Don’t let the first sentence fool you. Everything that was in the live show was recorded for posterity. Hopefully not for future black mail purposes. Our next live show will most likely be the E3 episode. Details as we get closer.
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Saturday Night Xbox One Games. PatMan Plays.

What is going ON, people? I will tell you whats going on. The long weekend, that’s what!  It is a 3 day weekend for me and I had the rare opportunity to put in 3 solid hours of video game playing last night. So , here is a little bit of of video of what I was playing on my Xbox One, thanks to the simplicity of Kinect voice commands.  Titanfall, Ryse: Son Of Rome &  Killer Instinct are all in this vid.  Also, check out some funny looking. “video game boobies” from Ryse, which is always good for a laugh. See you all on the flip-side!




Wonderpod Episode 207

Another week, another Wonderpod. One of those weeks where we cover the relevant news and feel dirty doing it. It is amazing to watch people spin the simplest of announcement’s into a class five drama. We do our best to make it entertaining. Join us for a live episode next week.
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MMO Dorking: Archeage

Today I bring you a quick video clip from the MMO Archeage. Here in North America the game is still in alpha. As I said on the last episode of Wonderpod, I bought into the game to be able to play it now. These are just two of the many boats players can obtain in game. Also I learned the hard way that they are not in fact aircraft carriers. The glider you see briefly is yet another former of player transport. Enjoy the video and feel free to comment.

Wonderpod Episode 206

Wonderpod time again dear friends. You know what the biggest problem with doing a podcast on the internet? When the internet tries to take a day off. Always a proud moment for the cast when we say damn the torpedo’s and trudge on. Quite a bit different feel to the show this week and we hope you enjoy it.
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Pat Man Plays. Ryse : Son Of Rome. Mini Review.

Ryse : Son Of Rome has been a bit of a love hate experience for me. I am now over 75 percent finished and it has been a pretty good, yet sometimes frustrating game to play. I suppose if you consider its not so good development history, that’s par for the course. Lets face it Ryse was rushed out for launch day, but well before that ever happened  it was originally developed for motion control on Xbox 360 Kinect. Unsurprisingly motion control didn’t work out for a game of this scope . Then, it was moved from Kinect over to  Xbox 360 with a regular controller. After that, the game just disappeared.  Finally, it was ported over for Xbox One, but as a launch title.  Sounds like an absolute recipe for total disaster, right?  Well no, actually. Considering this not so stellar history, Ryse Son Of Rome turned out pretty well in most areas. It looks darn right amazing at times and the story is pretty good. I love the time in history that the game is set in, and the ultra violence and gore are a great break from many of my bright, colorful, Nintendo games that I often play. Unfortunately, the controls are at times unresponsive . I did “get used to them” for the most part, however when fighting more than 2 enemies at a time, “getting use to” the poor controls didn’t help very much. Often the game controls decently but unfortunately the poor controls become noticeable at all the wrong moments. In some 3 on 1 fights, I found my character facing the wall instead of one of the three enemies, which is just plain stupid game design. Still, the good things about Ryse outweigh the bad and the game is well worth a play, especially with few other choices for exclusive Xbox One titles out at the moment. It is a good but not great game with very nice visuals and lots of gore. Check out some game play footage of me playing Ryse : Son Of Rome below.

Wonderpod Episode 205

Time for your weekly dose of Wonderpod. An all video game episode to boot. Okay we start with a rather strange tangent even by our standards. We even had a mid show audible. Sorry no Star Wars talk this week. I am sure we will drag that back in at some point. Got to help the hype!
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Wonderpod Episode 204

Wonderpod pulled off another live broadcast this week. Thanks to all the fine folks that showed up. If you missed this live show we will be doing another one soon. This show was created from scraps we had lying around. Drop us a line and let us know what you think of the show.
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Wonderpod Episode 203

Another Week another episode of Wonderpod. We recorded a two-man show this week. Amazingly, we talk mostly video games. There are the random tangents, that are the hallmark of a two-man episode. Don’t forget we will be doing a live show next Thursday night.
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