A day late, but never a dollar short. Continuing on with my adventure in dreamland. Couple more videos and will have this game wrapped up. Not my most popular series for sure. Still had a tremendous time digging into the free game realm and will do so again in the future. Enjoy the video!
Arma 3 Exile: Base Newb

Every few months I check in on the Arma 3 mod Exile. See what has changed and a nice break from other games. This time I decided to show off a bit of the base building. Specifically how walls snap together. May seem like a simple concept, but if you played DayZ mod you will know it’s not. I also do my patented ramble on related topics. Overall a fun time and you should check it out. Enjoy the video guys!
Awkward Dimensions Redux: Part Three

Another week another trip to dreamland. I got a bit more frustrated in the part. I should note that I did enjoy my experience with this game overall. There were just some minor frustrations along the way. For the record, it was that dark in the game. I probably of should have been more pro and brightened it up a bit in the edit. Oh well, enjoy the video folks!
Wurm Unlimited: Port Durendale Tour

Happy Friday people! Time for another Wurm deed tour. Why do I always do this shit at night? Because I record when I have time. That real life thing always getting in the way. You guys enjoy this one and I will record during daylight next time. I want to get a little more done before that. Enjoy the video people!!
Awkward Dimensions Redux: Part 2

I Just had a panic thought, I really hope I didn’t fuck up the edit order on these videos. Let’s all watch and find out. Getting them out of order might make it even weirder. This is more of my time in the dream world. As always it’s a little over ten minutes in length. I got to be me, baby!!!! Enjoy the video guys!
Seven Days To Die: Final Horde

I have gone for a game about dreams to a game of nightmares. A rather drastic change of pace and yet perfect for a nut like me. For those that don’t know this game. I played until the end of the seventh day. Which spawns a horde that is intended to wipe you out. I intend to do this again here soon with the difficulty turned up. Enjoy the video!!!
Awkward Dimension Redux: Part One

I love playing strange and odd games. Might as well make videos of playing said games. This may also be my first attempt at an actual let’s play. I hear they are all the rage with the youth crowd. Provided they are under 10 minutes or less. This game was a free to play on Steam. So to give it some love I will link its steam page. Tough to describe the game beyond the word strange. So watch the video!!!!
GTA 5: People Person

I am going to skip the whole it has been twelve years since I posted anything bit. Recently I bought a new microphone and really wanted to improve the audio quality of my videos. Get rid of the bulk of noisy office that drives me nuts. This video was the first recording after said tweaks. The sad part? I don’t think its any better or worse than before. In addition to that, I have had nothing but problems with the new set up since. I am the type of person that needs to know everything is working right so I can focus on playing the games I am recording. Right now that is damn difficult. My whining aside, This video was a lot of fun to make and if you can’t spare seventeen minutes at least fast forward to the last 5 or so. I am the king of bus stunts!!!
GTA 5: Psycho Gumball 2

So this video is late. I also learned that I did not know how to spell psycho. If not for Agent K catching it a month after the first one. Got to love the internet. Anyway I am back attempting to complete the police infested road race from hell. For extra difficulty I did it in GTA Online this time. Enjoy the video guys!!
Wurm Unlimited: Rambling Tour

I am going to try something old and make it new again. There is an opening line for the ages. Making it worse, your going to have to watch the video to figure out what I am talking about. Let me give you a little guide to help out. If you want to see my latest Wurm Unlimited deed watch the first ten minutes or so. Want to hear me yammer about the latest YouTube controversies then move to the middle of the video. The best bet is to watch it all. Enjoy the video and hit all the buttons like the cool kids do!