Archive for the ‘Not Tycho News’ Category

Games In May

The month of April is almost over.  The coming of May, means there are new games being released through out the month. My initial plan was to do a post or two of all the relevant ones I could find. I am sure it would of been a lot of work, but I figured there […]

Snoring Spur Cup

I am now quite aware that my dog snores and loudly. I have had dogs that snore before, but I may need to take this one to an ear, nose and throat Veterinarian. The reason I know this and now share this fact with you is I am writing at night. I have found I […]

L.A. Noire: Game Play Trailer

I really feel like being lazy this morning. Plus I saw this trailer a couple days back and thought why not.  Actually this trailer has made my interest in  L. A Noire increase quite a bit. First off it looks awesome, but that is not really what has me excited. I really like the concept of […]

Cargo Mine Jinx

I had this whole paragraph written about the internet and it’s hive mind like qualities. I edited three times and hated the way it read back each time. So I have scrapped it in favor of a much shorter and sweeter message. Never be afraid to voice your own opinion even if it’s contrary to […]

Minecraft Baseball

I know you are all tired of hearing me talking about being sick. Good news on that front, I am pretty sure I died last night. I am now one of Audiomaster G’s favorite people. In other words a zombie, that is the only explanation I have for my continued animation. Even better news I […]

Brink Overview

I have been interested in Brink a little and so I watched this overview video from gametrailers.  I am still deciding whether to purchase this day one of wait a week, but it will be a get for me. The wait may be to see how many bugs in the machine since its Bethesda. Video Games […]

Portal’s Have No Gears

The illness will not leave, even using the power of chaotic evil lawyers. So I didn’t get much sleep last night. A by product of that was watching people go bat shit crazy over the unlocking of Portal 2 for PC. I totally understand that moment when you finally get a game you have been […]

Gears Of Icewind Dale

There is nothing worse than waking up on a Monday and not feeling good. I suppose the day doesn’t really bloody matter, I was just hoping my illness would magically go away with the new week. Apparently this cold/flu didn’t get the damn memo. Maybe I can get a lawyer to either evict the thing […]

HomeFront Ice Hockey.

How did it become Thursday already? I am starting to think alien gnomes are stealing days from me. If that is the case I hope they let me play video games while they make off with my Monday’s and Tuesdays. Speaking of video games, it has been old school week at the McGee complex.

Gears Love In

I have zero time for writing this morning. I am on my way to the next town over to research the breeding process of mini mutant turtles. No word on whether they are also ninjas. I will be packing pizzas just in case. While I do that you guys can watch the guys behind Gears […]