Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Plants vs. Zombies

Another big name , multi platform game has gone FREE on iOS , and this time this particular game has gone free for the first time. That game is Plants VS Zombies & Plants VS Zombies HD for your iPhone & iPad respectively.  I have never played this game so I am downloading it right now as I […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead

Welcome back to another episode of PatMan Plays Free iOS games. This time my pick is a fun side scrolling game by the name of Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead. I have had this game for a while now as this is actually the second time it has gone free. Apocalypse Max: Better Dead Than Undead is a […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Infinity Blade.

One of the absolute best games on iOS has gone free, for a limited time. That game is Infinity Blade. Go download this NOW, if you are one of the few who have not already done so in the last few years. Made with the Unreal engine and looking spectacular on iOS, this game is […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. My Virtual Girlfriend.

Poor, poor PatMan. He is ever so lonely today on Valentines day. But wait, what is THIS? Not only a  FREE iOS game, but also a virtual girlfriend to take with me, where ever I go? Even on the can? Even if I fart? Hot dam! For today only (which is probably a good thing) My Virtual Girlfriend is FREE […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Double Header! (Galaxy On Fire 2 HD & Great Big War Game).

What is going on people? I’m back with not just 1 but 2 great , and of course , FREE  iPhone games for you to download. My teething toddler has left me with practically no free time this week for playing video games  but that didn’t stop me from fishing around the Internet and discovering that […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Mutant Mudds

Another must download iOS game has gone free and this time it is a  port of a 3DS download only title by the name of Mutant Mudds. It is a cool albeit slightly slower paced, retro inspired action/platform game that is a lot fun to play. The cool thing about Mutant Mudds is the ability to […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Motorblast

  The time has come for another free iOS game for your weekend enjoyment. This time it is a fun racing/action game by the name of Motorblast.  This game usually goes for $2.99 but it is free for the downloading, at least for a limited time. Motorblast  has impressed me with its variety of levels […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Temple Run 2.

Endless runners. Yeah, I know, they are a dime a dozen on iOS. Ever since the original Temple Run became a massive success on  iOS, uninspired developers have regurgitated clone after clone of similar looking and playing titles , in hopes of getting a quick buck. Some of them are actually pretty decent, but most Temple Run copies fall short of the fun and […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Angry Birds Rio

  Everyone loves those Angry Birds, right?  Wait…  say what?  You  have never played an Angry Birds game on iOS? Wow,what the hell is wrong with you? Seriously, its one of the biggest franchise on all mobile gaming platforms ever. Don’t worry, you can redeem your self by downloading Angry Birds Rio right now for the cost of absolutely nothing . That […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Hyperwave

The weekend is here and that can mean only one thing,  it is time for more FREE iOS games!  To be honest things around PatMan land have been a little “off ” as of late with freezing temperatures, snow storms and the flue virus invading my home. But that doesn’t mean I cant find a fun little iPhone game […]