Mario Kart 8 is finally out and PatMan has a reason to dust off the WiiU, put aside the Xbox One for a little while and have some good old fashioned Nintendo FUN. And fun it is. Mario Kart 8 may very well become my favorite game in the series. Technically speaking its outstanding. The […]
Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category
Saturday Night On X-Box One. PatMan Plays
Another fine weekend is here and that gives me another opportunity to get some Xbox One game time in ! I checked out Powerstar Golf, as it now has free levels to play. It is pretty decent fun, I like it however I am not so sure I will drop 20 dollars on the game […]
Saturday Night Xbox One Games. PatMan Plays.
What is going ON, people? I will tell you whats going on. The long weekend, that’s what! It is a 3 day weekend for me and I had the rare opportunity to put in 3 solid hours of video game playing last night. So , here is a little bit of of video of what […]
PatMan Plays Ryse Son Of Rome.
What IS going on people? PatMan is back with another Xbox One game-play video. This time I am playing the early levels of Ryse Son Of Rome. This game had a bad development history as it originally started off as a Kintect 1.0 title for the 360. It was then canned and moved to […]
Fulgore Returns In Killer Instinct.
The final content for season one of KI is here. The poster boy for the KI franchise, Fulgore has returned along with an arcade mode . For $19.99 you can download every character, game play mode, stage and retro costume in the season. A very good deal considering that you only pay one third the […]
More Titanfall. PatMan Plays.
What IS going on people? I have had some more time to play Titanfall, and by using the simple ” Xbox Record that” voice command along with Upload Studios, I have put together another game play video. I am really enjoying the time I get with this title. But no matter how great the multi […]
PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Crazy Taxi.
Remember playing Crazy Taxi back in the good old days of video game arcades? Well how about giving this classic and fun racing game a spin on the iPhone, for absolutely free. To promote the upcoming new Crazy Taxi game, SEGA has dropped the price down on the original to ,well, FREE. So check out […]
PatMan Plays Titanfall. First Few Days.
Titanfall has finally arrived and I had the chance to play some of it over the last few days on my Xbox One. Unless you have been hiding under a rock the last little while you know the game is good. As a matter of fact, I think it is more than good, it is […]
PatMan Plays Project Spark. User Game Creations .
I am having a good time exploring the Project Spark Beta, and as seen in my previous video from yesterday, I have been playing around a little bit with creating stuff of my own. But I have not yet attempted to make an entire creation, or game if you prefer, by myself yet. What […]
PatMan Plays Project Spark. Starting Out In The Beta.
I am in yet another beta for yet another anticipated Xbox One title that I have been interested in for some time now. First it was the Titanfall beta, now Project Spark. I have to admit that while I understand the allure of games that allow you to build things, titles such as Wurm or […]