Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Plays Strider Part 2.

The temperature has dropped below -25C today and that can mean only one thing. Stay at home and play video games! Well, at lest after everyone has gone to bed that is. I am back with more Strider game-play footage taken directly from my X-Box One. Strider is a great action platform game from the […]

PatMan Plays Strider. Xbox One.

I have played more than my fair share of action /platformers in my game past. Yet I have never played Strider. That is until last week.  And, for the relatively inexpensive price of 14.99, I am enjoying this title very much.  The game has that classic old school feel to it while also having a […]

PatMan Picks Free iOS Games. Dead Effect

With all the recent Titanfall beta love and my weekend obsessions with Killer Instinct, it has been a  while since I have looked at the iOS game market. My XBox One has completely dominated my small window of gaming time, and rightfully so as its a great new system to have. But, that will be […]

PatMan Plays Titanfall Beta. Day 2. New Game type.

I have had a little more time with the Titanfall Beta and I am enjoying it even more than last night. I played a different game type today and it will probably become my favorite.  It is based on the classic Battlefield game type of taking positions and defending them. The more positions you have, […]

PatMan Plays. Titanfall Beta.

When I got my hands on a code for the Titanfall Beta this morning I was eager to give this hyped up shooter a shot . Of course, family weekend activities took precedence over a video game beta and I had to wait until tonight to dive in. Or should I say “fall” in?  Silly […]

PatMan Plays KI. First Day With Spinal !

  As of yesterday,  Killer Instinct has a new fighter for us to enjoy!  Spinal turned out great and was worth the wait. They really did a good job with the new look of this classic KI character and I love how he is laughing insanely as he fights. I recorded the first few fights […]

PatMan Plays KI. Saturday Night Ultras.

Another relaxing weekend is here and , as usual, I have been playing Xbox One. I am back at it again with Killer Instinct and the ” Xbox Record that ” voice command.  The wait for the next  KI character, Spinal, is almost over. But in the mean time I have been practicing my skills […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Orchid Alternate Costumes.

  Happy New year people! Another weekend rolls in and PatMan has some time on the Xbox One to record a video. This time I am back playing KI, and also back playing with my favorite character, Orchid. She has a few new costumes that have become available a few days ago, including one that […]

PatMan Plays Halo : Spartan Assault. Xbox One.

While everyone is relaxing and eating Christmas leftovers today I have recorded yet another  game-play video on my Xbox One. This time around it is footage of Halo Spartan Assault, a $14.99 downloadable twin stick shooter set in the Halo universe. If the name seems familiar that would be because the game was released originally […]

Patman Plays COD Ghosts. Absence Makes The Game More Fun?

If you have listened to the last few years of Wonderpod, you will no doubt know that most of the crew stopped playing COD on a yearly basis. I for one just got bored of the exact same multi player, exact same 12 yearolds talking trash and the same single player campaign moments.  So, after […]