Archive for the ‘PatMan Picks’ Category

PatMan Plays Dead Rising 3 Demo. J Walking Zombies Must Die.

Another day, another Xbox One game play video. These things are just too easy to create. This time around I am screwing around with the Dead Rising 3 demo. I wont say that I am really ” playing” the demo, because I don’t pay much attention to the civilians that are crying for my help, […]

PatMan Plays Peggle 2. Sensory Overload.

What is going ON people?  It must be the weekend because PatMan is back with more Xbox One gameplay videos. This time, I play the recently released sequel to the ultra popular game of the same name, Peggle 2. This fun, bright, colorful game can lead to sensory overload if you are not careful.  Also, […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Practice Makes Ultras.

What is going on people? It’s the weekend and that means I’m back in front of the Xbox One for more video game playing fun. I haven’t had much time during the week to play killer instinct , but I got some practice in last night and I can actually see an improvement already. And, […]

PatMan Plays Kinect Sports Rivals Demo

  When I first played the wave race inspired demo for Kinect Sports Rivals I was pretty skeptical. As a beta tester of the original Kinect , I knew all to well that racing games using motion control neither work well, nor feel fun to play.  And the first time I played this demo I […]

PatMan Plays Killer Instinct. Xbox One.

What is going ON people?  In case you missed out on the last episode of wonderpod, available on iTunes and here at the site, I have a new fancy Xbox One. And that means, boys and girls, that all I have to do is say ” Xbox Record that”, and it does. I have been […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Swordigo

  What is going ON, People? PatMan is back again with another fun iOS game that you can pick up for absolutely free, if you download it soon. This time around the game is a great little action/ platformer by the name of Swordigo.  It was 1.99 and now it is free , but for […]

PatMan Previews. Duck Tales Scrooges Loot. iOS

Suprise! There is a brand spanking new Disney’s Duck Tales game coming out on iOS by the name of “Duck Tales Scrooges Loot”.  As a matter of fact, it is so new that most of you won’t be able to find it in your local app store at the time I post this preview.  But, […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Shiny The Firefly

 The weekend is upon us and what could be better than that?  Well how about a long weekend,  that’s what !  And while you’re enjoying your three days away from work, there’s a very nice iPhone game that is just gone free for the picking. “Shiny the firefly” will cost you nothing, so go download […]

Patman Picks Free iPhone Games. World Of Aircraft.

Do you like World War II games? Do you like air combat ?  Now, do you like free, for a limited time?  If you answered ” yes” to any of these questions then  I suggest you go to the App Store and download “World of Aircraft”  as soon as you can because this game will […]

PatMan Picks Free iPhone Games. Pac-Man Dash.

What is going on people?  PatMan is back with another free iPhone game for your weekend enjoyment. This time around it’s the return of one of the most iconic characters in video game history, Pac-Man! That’s right Pac-Man’s back on iOS and this time around it won’t cost you a penny to play his latest […]