Bullet Time is a game that, initially ,I didn’t think I would like very much. I mean how many times can we play a game set in some post world ending wasteland fighting off mutants anyways? And it is surely to have nothing but micro transactions because its, well you know, free. However, because this is Pat-Man’s FREE picks, I gave it a try none the less. I am very glad I did because the game is pretty fun, it controls well and it gives you more than enough chances to level up and buy items with out spending a penny of your real money. As a matter of fact, one of the best features of Bullet Time is its unlimited ammo. That is right. Keep on shooting ( your going to need to anyways to survive) because you never run out of ammo. Also I must mention the very ample supply of medkits, speed and shield power ups that you can easily buy with in game silver. If you want to speed up the process , buy better stuff and level up fast, drop .99 cents . I wont call you a pussy. Ok , I WILL call you a pussy ,but I guess you could always kill me in the games online multi player mode now that you bought your way to “better gaming”. Bullet Time is a twin stick shooter/ top down game where you face wave after wave of various mutants and collect silver when they die. You can find silver in “treasure chests” and by preforming “side quests” which usually involve a big assed mutant. If it sounds just a little bit like Torchlight or…dare I say it.. Diablo that’s because the game play actually does have some similarities to those games. Well, at least a little bit. While it is no “Diablo with guns” , it IS free and it is my pick for today. Check out some screens below and I will see you all next time!