Slapping EA Around One More Time

This morning while trawling the internet for podcast resources. I came upon the sales numbers for the first week of Battlefield 3. The game has sold five million copies and shipped 10 million total. That is a pretty damn good amount for any video game in any time period. The problem is, it won’t matter if the game breaks all sales records. Because a group of morons at EA made a fatal error in promoting BF3 and that will in the end cause more harm than good.

Actually I need to correct that last sentence. The morons have made a fatal error for the second year in a row. They made the same mistake last year with the release of Medal Of Honor. They have made the brutal unforgivable mistake with calling both games a challenger to COD. By doing so they gave MOH the kiss of death and have now done so with BF3. I am not sure who the morons in question are, but they should be stuffed into large cannon and fired into a pit full of broken glass. Deciding to take on the COD franchise has to be one of the dumbest thing I have ever seen in gaming. Don’t believe me? Well then chew on this bit of info.

Right, wrong or indifferent COD is the king of military shooters. In fact it might be right up there with the holy Halo for the title of best shooter period. I am sure my writing that comes as a surprise to many of you. I have spent the better part of a year talking about how tired I am of the franchise and really have no interest in it anymore. The problem is it doesn’t matter what I think personally. What I wrote in the first part of this paragraph is the generally accepted perception of COD. So the minute you claim your game is as good or better than COD, your half screwed right out of the gate. Because people’s perception’s of COD is always going to be different than the actual quality of the games. It is a beloved franchise, so any game claiming to be better than it is going to have to literally blow people’s pants off and possibly fondle them. It also doesn’t help that critics whether consciously or not are going to then compare your game to COD. Which is probably not going to work out well either.

What makes this particular case even worse is the fact that BF and COD have always been different games. I should know, to this date I have played every single on in both franchises. COD was always the e-penis run and gun festival with a fast pace. While BF has always been more about taking your time and tactics. So this makes the cunts at EA claiming BF3 will be better than COD beyond stupid. They are literally apples and oranges. Yet across the internet you see people of all stripes and types comparing the two. All due to perception, the ineptitude of EA and it’s marketing. As much as I have lost interest in the COD franchise I know full well the lemmings will be lining up come launch day. Standing in long lines with money in one hand and a streamer of drool sliding down their cheek. Which is fine by me, I hope the game does well and the lemmings have a good time. That is after all the point of playing video games.

Let me say this one more time. EA your a bunch of fucking tools. You should of just let DICE build BF3, release the game and leave it at that. I bet the critics would of be slightly kinder and I wouldn’t be forced to read seven billion pointless comparison stories every morning in my RSS reader. There was more than enough room in the market and peoples wallets for both games to do well. Enough about EA, I shall close this with a message to another studio. Respawn Entertainment, I hope like hell your watching closely. Do not, I repeat do not let EA talk you into getting into a bitch fight with your former bosses. Let your game speak for itself. I know damn good and well that is a better idea than what EA has done to this point.


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