Wonderpod Episode 256

Time for Wonderpod the week before E3. Not the most high energy episode ever, that is for sure. One of the crew had to cut out early and we just rambled from there. Next week the E3 show will be live on Twitch. We hope you will join us then.
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B and K In: Gotham City Posters

I passed up on this game when it came to consoles initially. While I don’t regret that decision. I am glad I made time to play it on PC. The biggest key with any game like this is having at least one buddy to play with. Even if you end up on opposite teams at times. Enjoy the video guys!

McGee In: New Vegas (Ramble)

The Saddest part of this footage? I really don’t shoot any better sober. Beyond that, I rant on a couple things bugging me. I was shooting more for constructive than snark. Time will tell if I accomplished that goal. Enjoy the video guys!

McGee In: Flat Out 2 EP 2

I took the heap out to the track again. Let’s just say it went better last time. It was also a lot easier. Chaotic fun for all. Enjoy the video guys!

Wonderpod Episode 255

Wonderpod returns to normal. By normal we of course mean more video game talk. This week we got a lot on Splatoon. If you don’t know what that is, we got you covered. Enjoy the show people!
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McGee In: Savage Lands EP 1

I needed a game for a new solo series. Looks like Savage Lands will fit the bill. Caution I went off on a couple topics in this video. I plan to do more game play next time. Enjoy the video guys!

McGee In: How Not To Minecraft

I said on Twitter I couldn’t help myself from doing this. While that is an amusing way to intro a video in a 140 characters. The truth is I did this as a favor for a friend and had a lot of fun doing it. Enjoy the video guys!

McGee In: Flat Out 2

One great thing about video games. It is easy to travel back in time and play things I missed. To this day not sure how I survived 2005-2007 without internet. Anyway enough flashbacks for now. Let’s race! Enjoy the video guys.

Wonderpod Episode 254

The band is back together again. Once assembled we recorded a one off episode. On a topic out of left field. Good way to drop back into being a trio again. Enjoy the show!
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McGee In: Modded Minecraft EP 9

I felt like doing something mellow last week. when I am tired and worn out Minecraft always hits the spot and that is part of the appeal. Just plug in and relax. Enjoy the video guys!