iMPACT 04/14/11: DG may have watched this…

Lord knows how much patience I will have for this show tonight. It’s the go-home show before “Lockdown” this Sunday.

I just made loading time for the site(s) worse. Heel-turn?

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Will Nintendo announce next console at E3?

The internet is abuzz with stories about Nintendo announcing a new console, call it the Wii 2 if you want, just a few months away at this years E3.  Big name Video game blogs and websites are posting about this and Game Informer has all but called it a fact, stating some ” very good sources” which have not been named as of yet have contacted them about it. If true , it does make sense. If you think about it the Big N’s software line up for the rest of the year for the Wii is not exactly stellar, so they must be working on something, the question is, what? The rumor going around the internet of a Wii price drop of 50 dollars sometime before E3 only adds fuel to the possibilities of a new console announcement. I for one would love to see what Nintendo has up their sleeve for the next generation. HD visuals? Yes please. MUCH improved online service? Again, yes please! Improved motion and voice controls that can compete with Kinect? Oh yeah that would be nice as well. So, while not 100 % confirmed as of the time I am typing this, it would not surprise me if we see a tease of the newest Nintendo console. After all, with the Sony Move and Microsoft Kinect, the Wii hardware has quickly become a very dated console with nothing unique to offer, last generation visuals and a poor online service. I am hoping to see something new and fun from the Big N this E3 to be honest. And with the 3DS launch AND the possibility of a  ” Wii 2 ” announcement, this could be a great year for Nintendo fans!

Brawler of the Year – 1992

There were a lot of great games this year, even on the consoles. However, I only had to take one look and immediately I knew which one deserved the #1 spot.
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HomeFront Ice Hockey.

How did it become Thursday already? I am starting to think alien gnomes are stealing days from me. If that is the case I hope they let me play video games while they make off with my Monday’s and Tuesdays. Speaking of video games, it has been old school week at the McGee complex.

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Take Glasenator and PatMan with you, wherever you go!

What is going on people? I will tell you what is going on , the 3DS is going on thats what! I hope that everyone is enjoying their new handheld and having fun. I personally enjoy playing with the 3D camera and showing my wife 3D picks of certain body parts, much to her non amusement I assure you.  The AG cards are also good fun and of course the Mii maker and Mii plaza are also good for a laugh. In case your looking for some new additions to your collection of cute little Mii characters, why not scan the QR codes below for both Glasenator and PatMan, and then take us with you on the go!   So, why not give us a scan and watch as we pop out of your 3D screen and come to life.   Our Miis would love to visit your 3DS and we promise to make them behave as best as we can on your system. Well, Glasenators Mii will behave, apparently I have been told that mine will sneeze on other Miis who walk past him, but not to fret, I am working on him covering his mouth in such events. Check out our QR codes below =)

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Smurfs (re-runs)

So back on the old Morphine Nation forums, I did what I thought would be a one off take on “new” episodes of the Smurfs.  I used crappy screen shots of the Smurf’s animated show and then added my own warped text. The original two made  Jim laugh which has always been a proud moment for me.  I could of left it at that, but I am not that smart. So I did several more, according to my archives there are four episodes plus two kind of special events.  My plan is to post those  every so often until I run out. When that happens, I will either call it good or do more, depending on the feed back I receive.  Today I give you the original two, along with the text which still exist on the interwebs.

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Ritalin Comics: That Movie – Part Five (Conclusion)

The Mystery is solved!  … Or, Is It?

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Gears Love In

I have zero time for writing this morning. I am on my way to the next town over to research the breeding process of mini mutant turtles. No word on whether they are also ninjas. I will be packing pizzas just in case. While I do that you guys can watch the guys behind Gears of War 3 talk about the game. They seem to think its the best one yet. Hi Cliffy!!!

Mortal Kombat Legacy: Ep. 1 Debuts !

MOOOOORRRTAL KOMBAT !  Yeah, I know its been a while since that first MK movie came out, and yeah I also know it kind of sucked. But for some reason I like the darn thing, even with all the cheese it delivered. With the new  and rebooted Mortal Kombat game only days away there is also a new Mortal Kombat Web series starting up. So lets take a look at it, shall we?  I am not sure if I like the actress who played 7 of 9 in Star Trek Voyager as Sonya Blade due to he fact that Sonya is supposed to be a younger woman, however she does have the sex appeal of Sonya so, its all good! I hope the new Mortal Kombat Video game is a good reboot of the franchise, because its been a long time since a good MK game has been out. Sorry but the DC VS MK game was not so hot in my opinion.  Check out episode one right here. Lets see where this series takes us. It cant be worse than the MK2 movie…yikes.

[youtube 6s6UiEuCYXA]

Stress Served Daily

Hi I am Ted Totaled and I am here to talk to you about used socks. That’s right I use to be broke and without a clue, until I stumbled on to this lucrative business. Basically what you do is come into one of my stores with your old worn out socks and will give you a brand new pair at a discount. We then lovingly refurbish your old sock to re-sell at a later date. Now some of my detractors have accused us of using refurbished socks as the news socks, but that is simply not true. We here at Totaled socks give you are word that every sock you purchase here marked as new is new. So come see us today, this week trade in three pairs of old socks and get one new one free.

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