RPG of the Year – 1996

1996 was an interesting year given the PS1 started cranking out RPGs. Not all of them were good, but dammit they tried! As a result, this is when the SNES really kicked it into full gear to try to compete. Overall, it was a very good year for console RPGs, but that’s not to say there weren’t any good PC RPGs. There were only 15 games, so this should be quick.
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An Introduction to Destruction

Hey everyone, Jonkind here. I just wanted to write a quick introductory post to firstly thank the WonderPod team for giving me the opportunity to do some posting here on the site as well as help them out with Episode 51 of the podcast, I had a blast. Secondly, I wanted to give you a quick look/preview of what I’m all about and what I’ll be posting here on WonderPod Online.

I’ve been a pop culture junkie my whole life, I’ve followed the various goings-ons of TV, movies, music, comics, video games, wrestling and so on… and I’ve always had an opinion about them. I’m quick to sell you on what I like and I’m prepared to stomp on what I don’t. I plan to touch on all these pop culture topics in some form or fashion here at WonderPod Online, mostly in the form of reviews and commentary. I’ll be doing a lot of retro reviews, dipping into my back catalogs as I tend to do regularly but I hope to hit some current stuff too. At any rate, I’m looking forward to having new eyes read my stuff and I’m happy to be a small part of the WonderPod team.



Everyone Else Writes About Video Games, So Why Not I? – An Unholy Trinity

One of the most prominent veins in Video Game Journalism On The Internet is reminiscing about retro gaming.  Be it masturbating over Super Mario Bros. 3, or throwing a fit over how godawful some bad games were, it seems like it is a cool thing to do.  So, seeing as this column of mine was conceived in a “If you can’t beat them, join them” attitude, why don’t I join in on the nostalgia fest.
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Convention Ninja Critic

Apparently the Oscars were on last night. I had no clue as they have little relevance to my life. Watching them was on my list of priorities, smashed right between watching grass grow and getting my balls kicked by a woman. So I hope you didn’t show up this morning expecting me to talk about them. All I know about movies from last year is there was a king who stuttered and ballerina’s be nuts. Which after watching half a ballet, makes sense to me. They all look like their one missed car payment away from stabbing people.

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Sunday, the perfect day for a Bulletstorm “dick” video.

Sunday is a day of rest, reflection, mediation and for millions upon millions of people around the entire world, a time for religious reflection, peace and family togetherness.  So I feel it is only fitting that I give you a video I discovered over on youtube today. This video, which was created not by me , is a short collection of the fine moral values that can be heard in any Sunday afternoon playing of the recently released BulletStorm video game.  So, I invite you all , after church, after brunch with your Grandmother, to gather around the TV and give this hilarious video a watch and listen this fine Sunday.  Got it,  dickhead?


Minecraft Road Trip Episode 1

Hello there fine people of Wonderpod-Online.  I have undertaken a little journey with one of my minecraft worlds. I was first going to do this as a screen shot post.  After watching Glasenator’s video yesterday I got inspired and scrapped that post in favor of a video. This video is not as good as in game capture, but I will work on it as the series rolls along. Basically I am using torch marked roads to travel all over the world.  Each week I will put together a montage of the work I did building the road. Enjoy the first episode.

Power Poll for the Week Ending: 2/23/11. Flying Solo

What’s up folks? I guess this will be a little different than your normal Power Poll installment. Yes, there will be animated gifs (I made three of them just for you)! But, I did not receive any results from our ringmaster. So… these are only my own rankings, as biased as ever!
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Glasenator Plays Minecraft

Since we’ve been talking about it a lot on the podcast recently I though it would be interesting if I showed off my Minecraft world.  Let me know if you’re interested and I might possibly do more.

PatMan Plays – Super Mario 64 DS.

Super Mario 64 was a historical, groundbreaking launch title on the Nintendo 64. Nothing like it had come before and the game amazed platform fans all around the world. It was the beginning of the era of 3-D platform games, and to this day without a doubt ,Super Mario 64 is still one of the best of its kind ever made. When Nintendo decided to release the two screened touch sensitive handheld system known as the DS, they didn’t have an all new mario title to showcase for it. Instead, they decide to update the revolutionary Mario title from the N64, to make an all-stars version of sorts. And thus the classic game returned as a launch title, once again. This time on the Nintendo DS. The question is, did  it stand the test of time, and how did it translate into the then all-new two screen touch sensitive DS and would the new content make the game better, or should they have left it as it was?

Wonderpod Episode 53

It is once again time for Wonderpod. We are using a Russian roulette method to choose hosts. So far it has worked rather well. We may need to get a larger pool of potential host, but will set fire to that bridge when we get to it. Wow I am really losing it with introductions. I may need to do seven face palms, while you enjoy this

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