Wonderpod Episode 237

The first Wonderpod of 2015. It feels good to have the show back on the road. We made some changes for the new year. Nothing major, mostly throwing the format completely out the window. We give you details during the episode. Enjoy the show and we will see you next week.
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PatMan Picks. Amiibo!

What is going ON people. I am in early with the first post of 2015 on WPO ! I hope everyone had a good new years. So, I have a few of these new “Amiibo” figures. I purchased 3 on sale and was gifted another just last night. They are cool little figures that, of course, do more than just look good on your shelf. They have game specific unlocks when you scan them with the WiiU gamepad or the 3DS. So far only a few titles are using the Ammibo, but more are on the way. I think these things could become very addicting once a good number of titles support them. And even now, I have almost caught the bug. Check out a few picks I took of my Amiibo and I will see you all on the Flip-side!

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Candy-Cane Killer Instinct Season 2. PatMan Plays.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. I have been pretty busy with all the Christmas activities that come with the season. However, I did get to play a bit of KI season 2 and check out the holiday costumes.There are a few characters with Christmas themed costumes, however, the only one of interest was of course Orchids sexy Candy cane outfit. Check it out below and I will see you all on the flip-side!


PatMan Plays More Halo 2 Anniversary.

The holidays are upon us and for many people that means time off for relaxation and games! Unfortunately, the opposite applies for me this time of year, however I did get to play a bit more of Halo 2 anniversary in the last week or so and as always, record some highlights. So, sit back for a short video of me playing this impressive remake of a 10 year old game and I will see you all on the flip-side!


PatMan Plays Mario Kart 8. Yoshi Amiibo Costume Unlocked.

Another fun weekend is upon us and in between all the Christmas festivities I managed to pick up a few Amiibo. I bought 3 for $29.99 and at a price of 10 bucks each I am impressed with the quality of the little figures. Of course, there is more to the Amiibo than just the physical statues, they unlock goodies in certain WiiU and 3DS games. I unlocked new costumes in Mario Kart 8 using my 3 Amiibo. If I can pick up more of these collectable figures for only 10 bucks a pop, I will surly do it. Of course, Mario, Lugig and Link are hard to find at the Holidays. Go figure. Check out the Yoshi outfit my Mii is sporting in the video below and , as always, I will see you all on the flip-side!


Wonderpod Episode 236(Year End)

The final Wonderpod of 2014. It has been a great year for the show and we had a lot of fun. This week we do a year in review chat. If you listened to the show this year, thank you from all of us. We will be back early in 2015. Until then have a wonderful holiday season and will see you soon.
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Wonderpod Episode 235

Time for the second to last Wonderpod of 2014. We recorded this live on mixlr. We will also do next weeks year end show live. For now give this episode a listen and have a great weekend.
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PatMan Plays Halo 2 Anniversary. Enter The Arbiter.

When I first played Halo 2, back a decade ago, I didn’t really like the idea of playing as one of the “bad guys”, heck as playing as anyone other than the main man 117 himself, to be honest. I didn’t know who or what the Arbiter was, and didn’t care much. But, as the game and the story progressed I did get used to it. Now with Halo 2 Anniversary, which of course is only one part of the gigantic collection of Halo games known as the Master Chief Collection, I have a different point of view about the Arbiter. I am really enjoying replaying the Arbiter levels, and with he help of the great new CGI cinematics, I am appreciating this part of Halo 2 much more. I guess it helps to know the story of the Arbiter in Halo 2 and Halo 3 along with the conflict that happens within the covenant when coming back to play Halo 2. Anyways, here is nearly 5 mins of gameplay and cut scene footage of me playing Halo 2 anniversary , Arbiter style! See you all on the flip-side!


Wonderpod(Thanksgiving EP)

This weeks Wonderpod is a little different. Instead of the usual show I sat down with Chris Loyd for a chat. No set topics just the two of us talking about whatever came to mind. As usual I probably talked way to much. It was awesome to be able to sit down with Chris at a time that was good for both of us. Next week its back to normal and will be a live show.

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PatMan Plays Halo 2 Anniversary Online.

Every single multiplayer map ever created in Halo is available in the Master Chief Collection , including several “PC Exclusive” ones. That is well over 100 maps in total. But in Halo 2 Anniversary,they went one step further and put a new generation coat of paint on 6 of the old classic Halo 2 maps. These maps look brand new, however they play exactly like the 10 year old game did back in the day. That means no sprinting, no weapon drops, no weapon customization and absolutely no armor abilities. Sorry guys, no Jet Pack action! Also, the button configuration is that of the 10 year old classic, which takes some getting used to. To be honest, the entire experience took some getting used to and I am very rusty at the old Halo 2 game play. How rusty? Well check out 5 mins of game play footage and find out. I do enjoy the combination of Theater Mode and the Xbox One ability to record by simply saying “Xbox Record that.” I wish it was this easy back when I made Halo reach team Wonderpod movies back in the day. So, sit back and check out the classic Halo 2 maps with classic gameplay running on new graphics and I will see you all on the flip-side!
