Time for a video quickie. I have been doing nothing the last month internet wise. It has been kind of nice. Lounging by the pool in my speedo (Hi Roger)and drinking rum. So enjoy my misadventures in PC building while I chase down Captain Jack. See you next time!!
Posts Tagged ‘pc’
Wonderpod Episode 300
Wonderpod is finally winding to the end of the road. Three hundred episodes and thousands of memories. We cover many of those moments and made one or two new ones. To each and every person who reads this post now or in the future. We want to thank all of you very much for listening […]
Ark Adventure: Big Gun
This video is going to be one hundred eighty degrees from the last video. Instead of killing my tribe mates I take one for the team. My penance comes in the form of plasma cannon to the face. It made me laugh at the time and while editing. That is always a good sign. Enjoy […]
Wonderpod Episode 299
Time for the second to last Wonderpod. A two man show recorded on a Friday night. On this of all days, it was a perfect end to the week. We wander all over the place this week. For the last show we will be live on Twitch. We will give you more details this weekend. […]
Ark Survival Evolved Base Tour
Hey guys been a week or two since my last video. In that time I have been well dug into Ark. In addition I built my latest PC. So to celebrate I did a little tour of our base. I am of course playing with Agent K and Stewart hater of Megladons. Enjoy the video […]
Wonderpod Episode 298
Wonderpod is winding down. Jon is back this week. We got some great topics for you guys. On one or two, we come at them from a new angle. Important note we will be recording on Friday of next week. Enjoy the show and have a great weekend!
Wonderpod Episode 297
Wonderpod is like a train. Right on schedule and mowing down cows. This week was a different type of show. We had two first time guests and one guest appearing for the third time. If that isn’t confusing enough they are all from Wales. If your still confused, you need to listen to some of […]
Arma 3 Exile: The Horde?
To close out this set of videos on the Exile Mod. I came out of the shadows and logged into a full server. Plenty of opportunities to get yanked, ganked and hopefully spanked. That was what I expected to happen for this entire recording session. You will have to watch to see if that is […]
Get Off My Lawn: Gaming Slump
Man this video almost sent me into a slump. First it was fifteen minutes and went on to many tangents. Then it was 10 minutes but my mic picked up some jackass daring to mow his lawn. Finally I scrapped all that and went with what you see here. In the end I am glad […]