In what can ONLY be described as my greatest find ever on the internet of all time, I have witnessed the amazingly detailed, first ever, totally revealing trailer for Call Of Duty MW3. Prepare to be bedazzled with visual info on the next big thing from IW, right here, right now! Ok, seriously, […]
Posts Tagged ‘us’
D&D Daggerdale
Another game trailer morning. I need to be getting the heck out of dodge this morning, so no time for the rambling. This mornings trailer comes from Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale. An RPG that audiomaster G was telling us about on Facebook a couple months ago. Four player dungeon brawler is what this appears to […]
Mortal Kombat Legacy: Ep. 1 Debuts !
MOOOOORRRTAL KOMBAT ! Yeah, I know its been a while since that first MK movie came out, and yeah I also know it kind of sucked. But for some reason I like the darn thing, even with all the cheese it delivered. With the new and rebooted Mortal Kombat game only days away there is […]
Stress Served Daily
Hi I am Ted Totaled and I am here to talk to you about used socks. That’s right I use to be broke and without a clue, until I stumbled on to this lucrative business. Basically what you do is come into one of my stores with your old worn out socks and will give […]
An Open Letter to Smarks
A smark is defined according to Wikipedia as “a phrase coined by Internet wrestling fans to describe a fan who enjoys pro wrestling despite or because they know that it is scripted, as well as generally knowing the “ins-and-outs” of the company and knowing many things about the industry or wrestlers collected by sources and are posted […]