Boxing games are hit and miss with me ( SEE what I did there?). And touch controls for a fighting game can be a little dodgy on iOS (SEE I just did it again!) So when I saw Iron Fist Boxing 3, or whatever the hell it is calling itself, I was not sure how I […]
Posts Tagged ‘XXX iOS’
PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Killer Bean Unleashed
I have played a fair number of 2D inspired platform/actions games since I bought my iPhone 4S. Most of these titles were, of course, free. And while these little games are fun, the truth is most of them lacked a main character that had any real depth. Most platform games, or action platform games on iOS have […]
PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Riptide GP
I am a pretty big fan of racing games that take place on water. I am not really sure why that is to be honest, but I like them none the less. As a matter of fact, the first iOS title I downloaded was Aqua Moto 2, a very fun little Wave Race inspired title. […]
PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Catapult King
It is Friday again and I have a fun , and free of course, iPhone game for you all to download for the Weekend. The game is simple, has nice colorful graphics and is pretty fun to play. It is called Catapult King, and yes as you may have guessed, it involves catapults and destroying things. The […]