BWF Radio Episode 37

Ding dong the witch is dead! We celebrate the life and times of TNA’s Claire Lynch character on this week’s episode. What will happen to WWE when Rogers takes over The Score in Canada? What was John Cena’s message to CM Punk at the NXT tapings? Where’s Alex Shelley? Why am I asking so many fucking questions? ThinkSoJoE, JT, and G From The Internet talk all these stories and much more wrestling related stuff this week on BWF Radio. Plus, one of the guys met Chris Jericho the other day. Find out which one!

Plus, a HUGE congratulations to all of our friends and our past guests who have made this year’s PWI 500!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 37 (MP3, 1:42:09)

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Trigger Fist

What happens when a developer launches a shooter priced at $4.99 that is essentially online only, resulting in gamers playing with bots all the time due to lack of real, human opponents? A few weeks later it goes on for absolutely FREE, that’s what happens. In an attempt to get more people playing Trigger Fist the game has become free for a limited time only, just weeks after its initial launch. This may very well prove annoying for the early adapters who only recently dropped 5 bucks on the title,  but for people like me it means yet another free iPhone game to check out! Trigger Fist is a decent looking third person shooter with 4 main game modes. Free For all, Team Death Match, King Of The Hill, and finally some sort of silly game where you carry around a goat on your back by the name of Sacred Goat or something stupid like that.  It plays well, controls decently for a touch screen shooter and runs very smoothly on my iPhone 4S.  As a big 3rd person and especially 1st person shooter fan on the X-BOX 360 I have played more than my fill of online shooters over the years and Trigger Fist could do with a little “more to it ” if I was going to play it regularly. However, at its current FREE price it is well worth downloading and giving it a go. The funny thing is, so far ,I am still playing with bots and not real players even after the jump to free. Check out some screens below and see you next time !

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. One Epic Knight.

“Endless Runners”, or simply put, Temple Run clones seem to be the latest fad on iOS as of late. They are coming out almost every week it seems. And by no surprise there is yet another one out now by the name of One Epic Knight. It is free to play and it is my pick for iOS game of the day. One Epic Knight follows the basic formula of Temple Run only  it sets itself apart with a cute graphical style and a decent sense of humor. Also, you don’t just swipe back and forth, up and down to survive. Now, you can find treasures in the dungeons, shields to protect you and swords to use to fight off bad enemies. So, this endless runner has more stuff to do than its predecessors that it emulates. It has obstacles and enemies that you must avoid to survive and also items you must pick up and use for your protection. In any case, the goal is to go as far as you can. You can also buy coins to get better shields and swords, hell you can even get better costumes for you knight if you wish, but if your just looking for very quick bursts of gaming you can probably go a while with this game for absolutely free. Check out the screens below and see you all next time for PatMan picks FREE iPhone games.

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Smackdown 08/24/12

So, apparently I’m supposed to write some kind of intro paragraph for these things. A paragraph usually is constituted with a few sentences that correlate to an idea and supports the content within. Furthermore, including this sentence, I count three strings of words. Done. Let’s hop to it, shall we?
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impact review 82312

This week TNA goes SOA on us and for those not in the patch club should know that i talk of Sons of Anarchy:

Aces and 8’s ride up on thier hogs and infiltrate the arena. And on Open Fight Night to take on Sting. And his friends. All this and James Storm after last week has been cleared of all the suspicision after taking a beating from the group last week.

After renaming the show Ass-whooping Show, the show began. Oh and they mention that Hogan is pissed and in the building.

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Wonderpod Episode 124

A brand new Wonderpod is ready and covered in gravy. Okay maybe that I was the one covered in gravy while we recorded. Either way we got an awesome show for you this week. Little happy, little sad and even some angry. (imagine that)

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E.V.O. – The Search For Eden

General Overview

In typical Enix fashion, the world absolutely cannot evolve and continue onward without divine intervention a la player. This time around, though, you get to play as an ever-evolving organism upon which you get to control its evolution. Could this quirky, awkward, semi-edutainment title actually be something halfway interesting or is it all the way boring?
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Al Creed’s 8 Bits Presents: “8 Bits Poutine”!

Hungry? Is your character in a video game out of health points? This will fill any life meter up in any game. Why? Well, because poutine. That is all.

Probably the best food ever. Actually, no. The best food ever.

Check out Al Creed’s 8 Bits home here

His whole archive is here..

Danny “The Man” Powers Presents The CWF: Jericho vs Tiana

“These are my two cats Jericho and Tiana, brother and sister, fighting in 2007 for the CWF (Cat Wrestling Federation). I attempt to do commentary and interviews, though it doesn’t come off well due me being repeatedly dropped on my head as a child. Enjoy.”

The man, Dan, sometimes known as the Croatian Kid, calls the play by play. This is old school wrestling. Primal.

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Amateur Surgeon 2

I once had dreams of being a high paid and world famous surgeon when I started attending University. Unfortunately, that dream interfered with my obsession with video games, drunken frat parties and one awkward night with the school mascot. All of this got me kicked out of the world of higher learning. Yet, ironically, it gave me perfect credentials for blogging here at Wpod!  Ok. So, absolutely none of that is actually true, but I needed some type of intro for my FREE iPhone pick of the day, Amateur Surgeon 2 so there you go. It is by the folks at Adult Swim so you know that at the very least, it will be worth at  a few laughs.(unlike my intro). The game is basically a funny take on the Nintendo DS Surgeon games. In Amateur Surgeon 2 you will preform all sorts of not so legal operations on a variety of poor near death bastards. The touch controls work pretty well  in this title and there are a lot of different medical instruments to be used. You will have to learn which instruments to use and in what order to use them ,in order to be sucesfull here. Also, time is of importance as some of these injured people are bleeding to death and it is up to you to save them. The game is a nice break from all the endless runners, 2D platform games and Infinity Blade clones I have been playing as of late and you can not go wrong with a FREE price tag. So, check it out at the app store and I will see you next time for more free iOS games. Screen shots are below as usual.

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