BWF Radio Episode 35BWF Radio Episode 35BWF Radio Episode 35

Another week has gone by in this insane business we call professional wrestling. JT, G, and ThinkSoJoE review RAW, Impact and SmackDown. Larry Dallas from EVOLVE and Dragon Gate USA joins us for an interview fresh off of a tour of Japan. Plus, we get into all of the crazy wrestling news, including A.W.’s release and subsequent twitter rants, Kevin Nash’s opinions on what killed the wrestling business, and did Kevin Steen really knock out two fans at ROH’s Boiling Point iPPV? Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 35 (MP3, 2:09:21)

PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Robot Rampage

Have you ever had a dream about turning into a giant robot? One who’s only purpose is to destroy buildings, blast tanks with lasers, squash  ground troops and take out tanks? You have? Wow. Because I was kidding and your kind of deranged, really. But that’s OK, because you can now live out those strange dreams in my FREE iPhone pick for the day, Robot Rampage! It is a decent little title that lets you , well, destroy everything you come across from buildings to helicopters to ground troops to missiles. To be honest the game is a bit over simple and something you may not play on a regular basis every day, but it does have its fun moments for quick bursts of gaming fun. I like taking out buildings with my eye lasers or stomping on a few tanks, its strangely funny and satisfying at the same time. There are several modes in the game you can play around with and if your really into things, there is the option to buy more Robots like a King Kong and Godzilla robot. There are also new areas to destroy when you buy those robots. For me, the free version is all I need to satisfy my short burst needs. Check out some screens below and I will see you onthe next episode of PatMan picks: Free iPhone games!

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Smackdown 08/10/12Smackdown 08/10/12Smackdown 08/10/12

Oh, the hell with it. Joe better be careful on BWF Radio reading what I write tonight. Let’s see how many of these I give this week:

Just hit the damn jump, Boba Haters.

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Wonderpod Episode 122

This weeks Wonderpod is brought to you by squibbles. A healthy way to start your day and made from left over tribbles. The opening sentence or two should give you an idea of what kind of show we have for you A slice of crazy and a pinch of all over the place, boiled until it’s sludge. I think we should just ad lib and improv all our podcasts. See how long until we reach zero downloads/page views.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Killer Bean Unleashed

I have played a fair number of 2D inspired platform/actions games since I bought my iPhone 4S. Most of these titles were, of course, free. And while these little games are fun, the truth is most of them lacked a main character that had any real depth. Most platform games, or action platform games on iOS have pretty uninspired and bland main characters. They are certainly no comparison to Sonic, Mario, RayMan or  even Bonk for that matter. So, when I downloaded Killer Bean Unleashed I was pleasantly surprised to encounter a character that I actually found interesting, funny, and worth playing as. Sure this former assassin Bean is not in the same league as the for mentioned icons , but its a step in the right direction of iPhone action/platform games. Killer Bean Unleashed is a nice looking and fun to play action game with a  lot of platform elements. Shoot your way across levels while collection power ups , health and ammo. Simple and fun. It is free to download and yes has the option of micro transactions to make life more easy for your gaming needs. But unlike some free titles, the micro transactions are not needed to finished the game, or so the developer would like to say. They will help you out a lot and perhaps make the game more fun and less frustrating and whats .99 cents anyways? One of the ways the game is staying free is by asking you to download other free games when your in-between levels. Although a little bit of an annoyance if it keeps the game free its well worth it. So, check out some in game screens I took below and check out Killer Bean Unleashed !

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Remember When Mega Man Used To Be Cool?

The first Megaman game I ever played was the second one and goddamn was it brutal. I mean, I’d played a few Capcom platformers up to that point, mostly Disney stuff, but very little could’ve prepared me for the toughness of the oldschool Megaman title. I mean, Contra was a shooter and it was hard, too, but it was hard from the angle of it being an arcade port.
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BWF Interview: Bruce Hart & Doc Knight of Stampede Wrestling

Original Stampede Wrestling logo
Recently, the legendary Bruce Hart and the CEO/VP of Stampede Wrestling, Doc Knight, took time out of their busy schedule to speak with ThinkSoJoE and G of BoredWrestlingFan about the relaunch of the Original Stampede Wrestling.  In the one hour interview, Bruce and Doc talk about the various promotions going around trying to use the Stampede name.  Bruce tells us about working behind the scenes at the original Stampede, the innovations pioneered by the organization that were “borrowed” by others, how the lack of “grass roots” territories is effecting the wrestling business, the overabundance of gimmick matches, wrestlers who can’t work as Champions, how completely scripted matches effect the audience, and the lengths wrestlers would go through back in the day to maintain kayfabe as opposed to the near complete lack of kayfabe being maintained in public by today’s wrestlers.  G asks about the late, great Ed Whalen, the original voice of Stampede Wrestling.  Bruce and Doc talk about wanting the new Stampede to be a viable alternative to the WWE.  Bruce discusses mistakes that are being made by promoters today, which leads to a mini-shoot on Brutus Beefcake.  The duo talk about the desire to make sure their talent is properly trained, wanting to grow a new generation of talent, instead of “one dimensional stiffs,” having a reason or purpose for everything done in the ring, and the need for things to be done safely.  Bruce ponders the absurdity of weapons randomly lying around under the ring.  All this, and much more! Click below for the full interview.

BWF Interview: Bruce Hart & Doc Knight

iTunes Link

For more information on Original Stampede Wrestling, please visit

Windows 8 Doom and Gloom

By now you may have heard that some game developers are freaking out over the soon to be released Windows 8. If you haven’t, go here for to get general idea of the concerns. We have already talked about this once or twice briefly on Wonderpod. I still felt I like there was more to say on the issue. Specifically how I refuse to get caught up in all of these doom and gloom predictions about Win 8 when it comes to games. I have quite a few reasons for my stance, but that does not mean I can’t be proven wrong. That is a key thing to remember in all this. Nobody has an clue how it will all shake out in the end.

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PatMan Picks : Free iPhone games. Riptide GP

I am a pretty big fan of racing games that take place on water. I am not really sure why that is to be honest, but I like them none the less. As a matter of fact, the first iOS title I downloaded was Aqua Moto 2, a very fun little Wave Race inspired title. Now I stumble across yet another aquatic racing game,  Riptide GP. This time the game has shades of another favorite  water racer of mine, Hydro Thunder. Oh, and of course it is free , for a limited time.  The game looks very nice with some  great looking water and backgrounds. It plays very much like an arcade style racer, which for me is a good thing. The music while not bad is a bit too techno for me, and it drowns out the sound effects which I would rater hear in the game. Gameplay is fun as you will race your way around futuristic looking locations taking jumps and taking risks by preforming various stunts. These risks are rewarded with boost to make you go even faster and help you win races.  The game is simple, nice looking and fun. The only thing I don’t like a lot  about the game is its gyroscopic controls. I just hate turning the screen dramatically during sharp turns because, you know, the screen is what I need to actually look at while playing. Luckily, the game controls decently with this method and I still enjoyed playing, but I will always prefer the more traditional form of controls. So, go check out this fun little racer, it wont be free for very long so get downloading. Check out some screens below and see you next time for more free iOS picks!

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BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 34BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 34BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 34

Don't kick the baby!

Thirty-three episodes down, and G Hall has been a part of every single one of them.  Will the streak finally end this week, as our resident Calgarian goes camping?  JT is also away this week.  Joining ThinkSoJoE on BoredWrestlingFan Radio 34?  His long time bassist for thinksobrain and current Noah’s Ark Show co-host on, Jorge Cardona!  The duo discuss this week in wrestling, fail to get our scheduled interview guest on the line, and get into the week in wrestling news.  George Steele, Kamala, Davey Richards, Kyle O’Reilly, Dawn Marie, The Blue Meanie, Taka Michinoku, Tensai, Randy Orton, and Charlie Sheen all make this week’s news reel, and this week’s Power Poll has a host of superstars returning to the list this week.

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 34 (MP3, 2:03:02)